Drunken surprises (Japan)

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Silence was a comforting thing for you. In most cases you would much rather spend your time in a noiseless room reading a book or thinking to yourself than stick around somewhere surrounded by constant chatter. Nighttime was perfect for these times too, as you could have either one.

You let out an quiet sigh, moving your fingers up to grasp the corner of the book in your hands and turn over the page. The chapter ended shortly, on a cliffhanger at that. You frowned at the annoying sentence that compelled you to read on.

I told myself this would be the last chapter... Your thoughts reminded you. It was so tempting though...

Your head shot up at the sound of your front door being opened without a single knock at the door first. Forgetting about the book instantly, you pushed yourself up on the couch into a seating position in order to get a view of the door.

Someone was there, though the shadows in the room prevented you from knowing who. It sounded as though they were taking their shoes off, and seemed to be having difficulties with it at that.

You stayed in your stance as you watched their back, your heart rate picking up. Who the hell just broke into your house? Was it even someone you knew?

The figure seemed to have finally been able to pull their shoes off successfully, and had stood up now, turning in the direction you were facing and stopping in their tracks.

"_____? What're you doing here?" They asked you, a slight slur in their voice. You breathed a sigh of relief when you recognized them.

"I think that's something I should be asking you Kiku. This is my house after all, and I don't recall inviting you." You responded to your friend. He stood his ground a moment longer with a very confused expression on his face. A second later it seemed something clicked in his mind.

"Ah, wrong house..." He mumbled, spinning around and grabbing his shoes again.

You quickly stood up and walked over to him, flicking the lights switch on on your way. "Wait a minute Kiku." you called, grabbing his shoulders and turning him so that he faced towards you again. His eyes blinked rapidly for a moment as your stared at his face, inspecting every inch. In the light you could see him much better. His cheeks were tinted red and his eyes seemed unfocused, not to mention the suspicious tie wrapped around his head.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" You stated bluntly. He laughed, a goofy grin forming on his face.

"Naw, Im just a little woozy that's all." He assured, waving his hand in denial. "I'm not drunk, not even close."

You lifted an eyebrow. "Yeah...sure...what's with the tie on your head? I thought that was just some stupid thing you only see in anime."

Kiku's gave you a confused look before processing what you said and laughing again, reaching a hand up to his hand to grasp the tie around it. "Ah this thing. See, it was getting stuffy earlier and I thought I'd just loosen up a bit, but I couldn't get my tie off so I just left it. Clean forgot about it up there! Pretty stupid of me to wear one in the first place though wasn't it?"

You chuckled. "Yeah, it was."

You loosened the tie off his head and let it fall to the floor, earning a very drawn out thank you from Kiku spoken in his native language.

"So why are you here and not at your house?" You questioned him. He had to think for a second before responding.

"I dunno. I gave the wrong directions to the driver man I suppose." Kiku guessed with a slight shrug of the shoulders. "Hmmmm, I'm cold..."

You bit your lip in thought, then gently took his wrist and lead him towards the couch, trying your best not to make him stumble. He stared at the couch, then carefully laid down on it with the help of a light push from you.

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