You Promised (Austria) Part 5

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((A/N: please read author's note!!))

For the past couple of weeks you had adjusted to your life here at the manor. Every day when you went to go to Feliciano's room, you would pass the ballroom doors.

The sad melody still rung through the hallway, and you would stop by to listen to the familiar tune. Something kept telling you to open the door but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.

You were now helping Eliza in the kitchen, shaving potatoes of their skin. "That's good _____!" She exclaimed. You laughed lightly looking down at the almost naked vegetable.

"Its nothing really, just a shaved potato."

She observed the other small pile of fully skin-less potatoes on the table near you. "Better than what I could do...mine still have skin on them whenever I do it."

You laughed and smiled at her. "I'm pretty sure it's not that bad." She chuckled and shook her head. "Sure, speak for yourself _____." She giggled going back to chopping carrots.

Soon you were finished with your potatoes, walking over to the sink to wash your hands. "Is there anything else I can do?" You asked the brown haired woman. She turned around, finger on her chin pondering if anything else needed to be done.

"Hmmm, well we seem to be done with mostly everything. Oh! You could give Feli his bath. That way, that can be done while I finish dinner." She said.

You giggled at the thought of the happy Italian child and nodded. "Alright. This should be fun." You laughed, causing the Hungarian woman to smile.

Walking down the hallway towards Feliciano's room, your ears catch the tune of the piano. The melody filled your ears, bringing your feet to an automatic halt. You stood there wrapped in the sound of the beautiful song.

Your eyes were closed as you listened, you resisted the urge to cry and continued your way to find the young Italian boy.


"Feli?" You called, as you lightly knocked on the door. Almost Instantly the door was opened and the small boy greeted you with a large smile, which you returned whole heartedly.

"Miss-a _____!" He exclaimed, grabbing on to the ends on your skirt. You smiled down at him, placing a motherly hand on top of his head.

"Good Afternoon Feli. Are you ready for your bath?" He nodded his head, removing your skirt from his tiny hands replaced them around your hand. "Yes!"

You giggled at his excitement, and started to move along. "C'mon then let's go." He hurried to his tiny legs to move with yours as you walked towards the restroom.


You washed his back, the suds of the soap quickly spreading over his skin. "Ahh~ I lika-a baths..." you smiled and nodded. "Yes, me too."

You started to hum a little song, the tune that Roderick would always play whenever you'd come over. You'd sit on the little black piano stool as he played, swaying to the music.

"That's-a pretty song-a miss ______." You smiled softly, rinsing his skin free of soap. "Yes, it is a very pretty song. Too bad it wasn't finished..." You sighed, grabbing for the shampoo bottle.

Feliciano looked down as your hands mingled with his amber locks. "Ya know Ms. ______, before you-a came here there was another man that came here." You stopped your hands and stared in interest.

"Really?" You continued to wash his hair until you decided that that was enough and started to rinse it out. "Yes, he-a was looking very bad when he came though. He said he was in the war."

Hetalia one shots (Country x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt