2P Chronicles: I just wanna run (2P America)

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(WARNING: Contains vulgar language and horrible pick-up lines XD Viewer disgression is advised)


You sat in the drivers side of your car, a cigarette perched in between your lips- the smoke seeping out through the half opened window and into the night air. E/c orbs flicker from left to right watching through dark sleek shades, scanning the front of the night club at which you were sitting in front of at the moment. Even though it was in the midst of night, the sun glasses remained on your face giving off a look that screamed: 'I don't give a fuck' and kudos to that because that's exactly how you felt.

Stress was a word that didn't exist in your vocabulary, and you didn't involve yourself in such to even get frustrated. You left such attachments charred away long ago. You take a final drag off of your nabbed down cigarette before tossing it carelessly out of the window to who knows where. Sighing, you look through the rear view mirror checking your perfect red painted lips for any mistakes your previous smoking might have caused. "Alright...let's go have some fun."

You got out of the car with a click of your dark colored heels and a flick of your curled h/c locks. The loud noise coming from inside the club was your ecstasy, the vibrations from the loud beat in the music from inside the strobe lighted building shook your body in a way that made you smirk as you walked closer to the guarded iron doors. A large muscled figure in a black shirt watched you approach and uncrossed his arms once you were close enough to ask for identification.

"Aww Bret, must we go through this every time I come up here?" You clicked your tongue against your teeth and staring at the familiar baled security guard. "Now you know as much as you come up here ________, I have to do this. It's-" "Protocol?" You finished pulling out a plastic card with your information on it. "Yea, glad you understand." Chuckling he gave it a quick look over it knowing it made you impatient before handing back your ID. "Alright try not to stir the place up this time."

Rolling your e/c eyes under the dark shades you brushed past Bret and with a sway of your hips, entered the dark club. Sweaty bodies were everywhere: dancing, swaying grinding. The loud bass of the speakers shook you to the rhythm, exciting your nerves and rushing adrenaline in your blood. The smell of alcohol was stiff and heavy among the stench of cigarettes and other drugs people were lighting up. The flickering neon lights illuminated the dance floor and the raving bodies on it making everyone and everything glow in the darkness; you were in your element right now.

This was your place of letting go. As cliche as it may sound, you could really relieve all your problems and let yourself go here; and no one would judge you. Walking towards the bar you could no long hear the sound of your heels clicking against the tiled flooring and when you slipped off your shades a mischievous look shined in your eyes. This wasn't the first time you were here at this club, so everyone knew you as the frequent regular; they called you Katrina. Like the hurricane when you came through, hell was sure to follow and with your reputation around this city, you were notoriously recognized at most other night clubs.

"Hey! Katrina's here!"

"Oh yea! What's up _______!"

"________'s here! Oh shit, things are gunna get recked!"


The only reason they kept you around was because you were reason that their spot was one of the hottest in this district of LA, and you amused the owner to an extent of getting a discount when it came to the drinks. Inhaling the atmosphere a grin replaced your smirk and you sauntered over to the bar where a mop of auburn hair behind the counter. "Well, well, well~ Welcome back miss Katrina." The grin on the Italian's face made your own twitch into one mirroring his own.

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