Proposing thoughts (England)

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A proposing thought (England)

"I'm really surprised, I had no idea you could cook.” you asked taking another bite of what might be the best food you've ever tasted. You were in England's house for supper after he invited you over.

You were VERY reluctant to go once he said that he would be cooking; after all this is England we're talking about. When you sat down a plate of mouthwatering casserole was placed in front of you, you eyed it suspiciously and poked it a few times before actually taking a bite.

“This is really delicious, how did you manage to make something like this?” you questioned.“Well, actually," he trailed of a face flushing with embarrassment, "I didn't. You see, I have a hard time even pouring cereal without spilling the milk.” Arthur laughed, a sound that sent shivers up and down your spine.

His laugh was contagious, causing you to giggle. “B-but anyway, I didn't want to take you out for dinner whenever you came over. So I just ordered something fancy. In any case, I'm glad you like it though.” He spoke.

“You didn't have to do that.” A slight pang of guilt hit your chest. “I could have always made us something, or we could have just binged on take out.” you replied, looking down at your plate.

“Unacceptable!” the brit dropped his plate as he placed his hands on the small wooden table. “I can't invite you over then expect you to cook.” He crossed his arms, shaking his head with conviction. “If I invite you over, it is my duty to make sure you are well fed and happy. That's My duty as your boyfriend.” 

“Really, you really want to make me happy?” Butterflies danced in your stomach, making it impossible for you to not smile. “That's really sweet, but I have to warn you now, it's going to be a difficult goal, keeping me happy.” You moved closer to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

The green eyed man had begun to blush. “Hey now, have you ever known me to take the easy way out?” After returning your kiss, Arthur  nuzzled his nose into your neck and pulled you close to him. “Besides, I can't just go and not make my girlfriend happy. What kind of future would we have if I gave up every time things weren't going my way?”

“You've got a point there. You are Arthur after all.” You began running your fingers in his messy blonde hair. Too busy burrowing his face into your neck to listen, England didn't make any attempt to respond. “Arthur? You aren't listening to me are you?”

A few seconds of silence passed. Even after tapping him on the shoulder and saying his name, he remained silent. “I thought not.” Hoping to get his attention, you gave his hair a little tug. 

It worked, but not quite in the way you had hoped. Arthur was now sitting straight up, stiff as a board and staring at you with wide, confused eyes. “Why'd you do that?” His face even more crimson now than before, he moved away from you and began brushing through his hair with his fingers. “Geez, you can't just go pulling on a guys hair like that.”

“It's not my fault you weren't listening to me.” You crossed your arms, smirking at him. “I called your name you know. Even tried poking you.” He spoke, still trying to regain composure. “I was thinking. And I was very deep in thought, so I'm sorry if I was zoned out a bit.”

The way he was acting was both amusing, and confusing. “I was only thinking that whatever you were thinking must have been pretty important for you to space out like that.” You commented.

Laughing he confirmed your thought. “So, what were you pondering then?” You crossed your legs, placed your elbow on your knee and propped up your head with your hand. Arthur suddenly looked extremely confident, no longer wearing his mask of blush.

“Since you asked so nicely, I guess I can tell you. I was thinking how I really like you, like, a lot. I think we should probably get married. I don't have a ring or anything for you yet, but we could go pick one out sometime if you wanted to.”

There was no way you had heard any of that right, you knew he didn't say what you thought he did. He was too calm, too nonchalant for him to be asking you to marry him. “What now? Say that again, I think I have fluff in my ear or something.”

“Now who's not listening?” Arthur placed his hand on your cheeks, staring straight into your eyes; green eyes boring strait into your e/c ones. “I think we should get married to each other.” The corner of his mouth tilted upwards into a crooked grin. “What could be better than marrying the one that I'm sure I want to be with for the rest of my life?” 

Try as you might, the only thing you could force from your mouth was a strange choking sound. You couldn't even manage to nod. “I'll just take that as a yes. I hope you don't mind, but since you can't talk, I'm just going to kiss you now.”

Bringing you onto his lap, Arthur held your face in his hands once again. He kissed you as if he'd been waiting a lifetime to do so. You melted into his arms, clutching to him, not wanting this moment to end. Arthur slowly lowered you to the ground without his lips ever leaving yours.

Subconsciously you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his body down to yours. He slowly ended the kiss, you'd never seen him look so happy. “Can you speak yet?” He stated amused at your shocked state.

His teasing made you blush. “Yes, I can speak.” You tangled your hands in his hair and kissed him again. “Good. Because you still have to answer me.” He rested his forehead on yours, smiling down at you with adoring eyes. “I don't want to be making a fool of myself if you don't love me.”

A lump formed in your throat, once again making it hard to speak. “Yes I'll marry you. I love you Arthur Kirkland, I have for a long time.” You confessed staring at him with loving eyes.

“You don't have to be all serious you know. A simple yes is all I need.” He chuckled and kissed you. “I really hope you can deal with me.I'm actually much more perverted than I seem. Just a warning.” He gave you his most perverted laugh, then once again started kissing you, this time sneaking his hand under your shirt.

Though embarrassing, you didn't stop him. You trusted he wouldn't go too far, and even if he did you wouldn't have cared.. You liked it when he touched you, it felt right. His kisses had moved from your lips to your neck. They were slowly making their way lower and lower until they reached your chest.

“You know, after that last incident with me putting those posters all over town, I would have thought you learned your lesson. But this is obviously not accidental falling on top of each other. It's bordering foreplay.” Sealand cleared his throat and continued. “I would have really locked the door if I were you, because this picture is much more suggestive than the first.”

“Go ahead, put it everywhere.” Arthur gave him a cocky grin. “Why don't you turn that picture into wedding invitations? You can pass them out for us.”

“Are you crazy? Old people get married, you cant do that to me! I need you!” The small boy shoved Arthur off of you and hugged him like crazy. “Once you get married you wont be any fun any more. She'll be all you ever think about, you'll forget about me.”

He placed his hands on Your now claimed fiance's shoulders and started shaking him back and forth. “Don't leave me Arthur, don't do it!” Arthur only laughed.

“I guess this is what it'll be like once we have kids huh?”


A/N: I know you guys missed you sexy green eyed Brit (though this is not the surprise so don't get your hope up :p)

England: So you think I'm sexy? ;)

Taku: O____________O yea why not XD though I'm not the only one! Fangirls be on the prowl

England: O___________O

Taku: yup yup!!

Ray: I'm Ray William Johnson and I approve this message.


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