Notification and Update List

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Okay so I'm highly upset right now.

This is the second time that someone has notified me that someone has been copying my works and using them to claim as their own and I find that unacceptable.

First it was one of my one-shots now it's a poem that someone tried to enter into a contest. I'm not saying any names of the ones that told me or the names of the people that tried to take credit for my work.

I just find it sad and I'm seriously disappointed. I'm not going to rage and badger them and I don't want any of you to go out for my sake and find and do the same, because it happened a bit ago; but still I don't think plagiarism is cool and that seriously needs to stop.

I'm going to continue writing and stuff but that really is a let down and I'm kinda iffy about it now and it just makes me feel weird about the whole situation.

Anyway I'm finishing up with a couple of them right now and I'm going to post the list for you again but I just needed to let you guys now because I write these works for you guys.

I put my heart into it for you guys so it's only fair that you know about this problem. Anyway I'm going to post the list now and finish up what one shots I have left.

One shot list:
* Rude (Prussia)
* Wake up in Hetalia like-wait what?! (England) PT 2
* Undertale AU (All) PT 3
* Ghost of you (Germany)
*  Room Mates (All Nordics)
* Past Lives (Lithuania)
* You Belong With Me (Canada)

Thanks for your support guys. xoxo

~ Mrs. Uzumaki

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