How we met (Poland)

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It was just a normal day at school. If you considered a Polish exchange student who sounded like a valley girl being cussed at by your English teacher normal.

It all started that morning...

"Class, this is Feliks Łukasiewic. A new exchange student from Poland. I trust that you'll make him feel welcome," your teacher announced. Next to her stood a blond...A blond... To be honest, you couldn't tell what he was at first with the shoulder-length hair and the hang on the hip. Even after the incident, you still weren't 100% sure of his gender.

"You can sit in the empty seat next to _____," she said.

Feliks took a seat next to you as the teacher said, "Chop, chop, students. It's time for English."

Feliks opened is desk to find several miscellaneous items. A vocabulary book with a Kobe Bryant cover, a few spirals, a ton of old papers and tests, and... An empty packet of Emergen-C? 

"Like, is this some kind of joke?" Feliks yelled. It's understandable. His new desk was the class storage system. Everyone groaned as your homeroom told everyone to get their stuff out of the storage desk and move it to the other one, which was already packed full.

"You can finish up later. You're all going to be late for Math!" the teacher said. 

The entire class rushed out the door while Feliks just standing there. "Like, what are we supposed to bring?"  he asked.

"Bring your math book, assignment book, and math notebook. We have English afterwards so bring your English notebook, vocabulary book, and dictionary." you answered, trying to help him through the morning rush. 

Feliks was walking back towards his desk, without rush, to grab some stuff when you suddenly grabbed his hand. "Screw this! We're going to be late!" you yelled, dragging him out into the hallway and into English. "Like, you should totally chill!" Feliks commented.

You stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at him. "We are in a rush, soldier! There's no time to chill! If I'm late to math, shit's gunna happen!"

In the end, you two got to class on time, hell didn't explode, and it was an average math class.Everything was okay, until English.

"Who's our new student?" he asked. 

"Like, I'm Feliks!" Feliks replied. "I'm, like, from Poland!"


"Yeah! Like, totally!" he repeated, proud.


"Don't answer that," you whispered to Feliks.

"Like, Why?"

"You'll see once that vein pops." Your English teacher had one pet peeve and could get him to blow his top through the roof- like. Whenever someone used like out of its context. It's meant for comparisons, not as a space between every word.


"Well, like-"


"Well, like, I do!" Feliks yelled, just as pissed off as your English teacher.

"Shit. He's pissed now," a couple murmured. And due to the fact that there might be kids reading this, I can't include the follow events. But, I can include that the other teachers had to come in, calm him down, a student butt-dialed 911, and English class ended early.

It was now for your morning break.

Feliks was just sitting at his desk, pouting.

"Hey Feliks..." you said. "You okay?"

"That English teacher is, like, such a jackass!" Feliks yelled.

"Tell me about it. It took us forever to get used to his temper," you smiled. "It was pretty brave of you to talk back to him."

"Like, really?" he asked, the pout disappearing.

"Like, totally!" you smiled.

"Thanks!" Feliks smiled. That was the first smile you saw from him. It was a beautiful smile. You couldn't help smile.

~~~~~~~~~\ ( >0< ) /~~~~~~~~~

"And that sweetie, is how I met your father," you told your five-year-child.

"Really? Daddy, did you really meet Mommy like that?" she asked.

"OMG! That story again? It's totally, like, true!" Feliks smiled. It was the same smile that got you to fall for him, and stay with him.


A/N: So I decided to do Poland well because, he's like totally fabulous!! and well I kinda haven't done a one shot for him or Lithuania or other countries I am too lazy to list.

I was also sleep deprived when I wrote this so if it sucks well go beat up auto correct! Well that's that for that. no to the next one shot!! xx

~Mrs. Uzumaki

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