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The rest of the day went by smoothly. I had last period with Rebecca who was asking a lot of questions. "What happened between you and Caden at lunch that had both of you so worked up?" She said with a wink. "I don't know what happened when our hands touched sparks filled my body and i guess the same happened to him." She beamed a radiant smile and kind of giggled. When the bell finally rang Rebecca and i went to our cars and pulled off. I followed behind her and eventually arrived at a beautiful slightly huge pack house.

It was even bigger than ours which was shocking. She pulled me by my arm all the way to the entrance and we walked in and went straight to the kitchen. "Ugh! I'm starved. You want anything Jess?" "No I'm fine thank you." I gave her a smile and she went to making her a sandwich . It wasn't long before i heard a group of boys busting the the front door laughing. I instantly went weak kneed as i picked up his scent. They sat in the living room while we were still in the kitchen . We sat on stools on either side of the counter. I sat with my back to the living room and Becca on the other side. We sat there and discussed literally everything from boys to what shows we liked. As Becca was talking about her favorite show i felt a set of eyes staring at me.

I quickly turned to see Caden staring at me his eyes wide and his lips quivering . I instantly caught his gaze as he started to walk towards me. My heart raced and i could feel my hands get sweaty. I was practically eating him alive with my gaze. I forgot all about Becca while she was still rambling on about a show i never heard of before while she never looked up from her sandwich .

He took long strides so he was practically in front of me within seconds. I looked up into his piercing blue eyes as they stared back at me. "MATE" He growled at me causing my heart to go into over drive. I hadn't noticed Collin walking up behind him and moved over to Becca wrapping his arms around her waist. Caden grabbed my hand and pulled me outside onto the back porch. "What is your name beautiful?" He asked as he was staring down at me "J-Jessica." I said internally hating myself for the stuttering i had just did. "Tell me about yourself." We began talking and laughing as i told him everything about me. But when he asked me if i had any siblings i instantly grew sad. I guessed he felt it through our mate bond and apologized. I gave him a smile and explained my sister to him. "I will kill who ever did this!" He stated as his eyes grew black. I didn't even know the guy and yet he was so understanding. So interested in me, i placed my head on his shoulder "My dad is taking care of it, don't worry." As a reaction to my touch his tense muscles quickly relaxed. "I just can't imagine how you felt." I knew he meant that by the truthful glint in his eyes. "It was hard but my family learned to cope with it, now tell me about you ." He explained everything. I found out he was 17 ,the soon to be Alpha of the Blood rain pack, and hated pickles.

Soon Becca came looking for me and when she came outside to where we were she instantly gave me a huge grin before going back into the house."So i see you've met my sister?" He said running a hand through his dark locks . "Yea, shes really a happy and cheerful person." I shot him a toothy grin. "You don't have to live with her" he chuckled sending vibrations of desire through me. It was getting late and before i left Caden made me promise to come by tomorrow. I agreed and got into my car and drove off. As i was driving i kept on thinking how great my mate was. It was just wonderful. I never thought he would be this astonishing . He was actually intelligent and delightful to be around. I got home at roughly 11 and took a shower then went to bed with a big grin across my face.

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