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*2 months into the pregnancy*

*Jessica's P.O.V*

I woke up to a snoring Cayden. I couldn't help but stare at his calm face, this was the only time during the day he didn't look a complete wreck. The mate bond is still there, but without my wolf I feel totally empty, if it weren't for the baby, I don't know if i could go on living. Sure, I have Cayden and he is the best he has ever been but the internal battle that's going on with me is more than he could ever understand. The good thing is we find out the gender of the baby today!

As I cupped his cheek he moved into my touch. "I can't sleep with those eyes watching my every move." Cayden whispered in a husky voice. "How long have you been awake?" He asked a little more sternly "Only a little while." I guess I stopped listening to his snoring. "Jess you know you need as much rest as possible. We don't need to stress the baby, or you for that matter." "Yea yea okay dad." I slapped his shoulder and got up to get out of bed and take a shower, only for Cayden to literally fly over to my side and help me up. I really don't need his help, but I feel he needs the distraction as much as i do.

After taking a hot shower with Cayden, we both go downstairs for breakfast. "Becca!" I scream as I envelope my sister in law for a hug. God these hormones are terrible. I shake my head laughing and let her go. She could barely grip her arms around me given my humungous stomach. I can't wait until I pop. Becca had cooked breakfast and after we had to leave for the pack doctor.

We made small talk for a little while but it really wasn't much to talk about. Only thing i could think about was my baby. I guess Cayden realized i had stopped paying attention to the conversation and told Becca we would be leaving. We walked to the car and Cayden opened the door for me. The drive to the doctor was quiet besides the music playing.

We got to the doctor in a matter of minutes. Cayden just couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face as we sat in the doctor's office. He was just that excited. I couldn't help but smile at his gorgeous face grinning like an idiot. "What's so funny?" he asked looking a little offended. I started laughing harder as he began to pout. "You're just so cute when you smile." i say as i place a kiss on his cheek.

The doctor comes in and begins to place this cold gel on my stomach. I mean it's really cold. The baby begins to kick and I feel really uncomfortable now. I have to pee so bad right now its ridiculous! As soon as the baby calms down and i relax the doctor places this metal tool against my stomach and the ultrasound picture appears on the screen.

I couldn't help but smile !! There my baby was, perfectly healthy, and smiling . i didn't know you could see in that much detail how the baby would look. It looked exactly like Cayden. Smile and all, just plain out gorgeous. He smiled and placed his hand in mine and squeezed . "it looks like its a boy!" the doctor said in such a happy voice. Cayden grabbed me and hugged with an even bigger smile than i could ever imagine. I always wanted a boy, and as if reading my mind. Cayden replied "Me too." The doctor asked if we wanted a picture to show our family and we both shook out head yes. "congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ross!" The doctor extended his hand to shake Cayden's . That was the first time anyone has actually introduced us as that. We left grinning like idiots and went to the car.

Sitting in the car Cayden placed his hand on my large stomach and smiled. "The next alpha is in our mist." He laughed.

We arrived back at the pack house and everyone was gathered in the living room waiting. Becca of course was the first one to meet us at the door. She embraced me asking a million questions per second. As we eased past her trying not to tell her the gender I was shocked to see my mom and dad along with Cayden's parents sitting in the living room with all of our pack members. Everyone bowed in respect and Cayden and i bowed back. I immediately went to my parents and hugged them both. I haven't seen them in so long. Running a pack isn't as easy as it seems so they were completely understanding. I hugged my in laws as well and went back to stand by my mates side.

"Well as you all should know by now our Luna is two months pregnant meaning the baby will be here in weeks." Cayden said with so much happiness and power i shivered. i will never get used to the way he makes me feel. The pack erupted in cheers and hoots. As soon as the pack calmed down Cayden began talking "We found out the gender of the pup today and we would like for you all to know what we are having. But i would like for our Luna to tell you." He grinned a wicked smile knowing i hate announcing things. I narrowed my eyes at him sending him into panic mode and the look on his face was priceless. That would teach his ass never too mess with me like this again. "Well you guys...." i began and trailed off. I waited until they all looked impatient especially my mother. "It's a boy!" I yelled and everyone began yelling and cheering. It was truly a happy moment.

After dinner was served and everyone had eaten i took a walk with my mom since Cayden wanted to be alone to talk to my father. "How've you been sweetie? I haven't seen you since you got out of the hospital." "I've been great mom. And im really sorry again for not visiting often." "I know running a pack isn't easy my dear. Especially a pack this big." her eyes were filled with proud ness i couldn't help but smile. "I know mom i'll be sure too visit more when the baby is born" "Another alpha in the family. Dear god what are we gonna do with the little tike !" She smiled and placed her hand on my large belly. "I remember when you were born. It was the most beautiful thing you could ever imagine. Jess you're going to love it." "Awe mom stop being so emotional" i tried to laugh but i could tell my mom was close to tears. "You're growing up so fast you know? Ha i remember like it was yesterday running around chasing you with a diaper on your head." she said in a teasing voice . I inwardly cringed. "C'mon mom!" she just laughed and wiped the tears from her face "So whens the wedding?" she asked. I had completely forgot! "We haven't really talked about it mom" she looked taken aback. "Well it has to be before the baby gets here thats for sure! oh dear do i have to do everything around here!" i laughed so hard as my mom went in search for Caydens mom. Next thing i know im on the back porch picking out flowers for the wedding with Theresa and my mom. This is going to be a long night.


"Sir i wanted to talk to you about you officially becoming my father in law." i was so nervous what if he says no. Gosh i can't even talk right now. "Well of course son!" He says as he slapped my shoulder in a playful way. "You have a bun in the oven already and we already know how thats gonna go. If she's anything like her mother i bet you're going through hell." "Oh dear is my face that predictable ?" "son it's in the genes!" he laughed a hardy laugh. "It'll go away after the pregnancy is over." he gave me a sincere look and kept on laughing. i couldn't do anything but laugh with him. I went to go get my father and we all three stared at our mates picking out flowers. Jess looked at me and put her face in her hands. i couldn't help but laugh at her. She can be so adorable when she's like that.

When everyone left me and my mate said our goodnights and went upstairs. After we both showered and dressed we laid down. I wrapped Jess in my arms and prayed to the moon goddess nothing else would have to happen to us. We've been through so much together its ridiculous. I love my mate to death and couldn't stand myself if anything else happened to her. She looked up at me and smiled. I just starred at her mesmerized by the moment . "I love you" she said as she kissed me. "I love you too." i said in between kisses. I placed my hand on her stomach and we both fell into a peaceful and much needed sleep.

Sorry for the late update between finals and tests i needed to make up its been a bummer ! And plus writers block wasn't much help either ! Thanks for being patient !

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