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Cayden's POV

I was shaking, my wolf wanted out badly. He wanted Taylor's head on a silver pladder. I wanted to rip her throat out, no i wanted to kill her in the most slow and gruesome way. I never have hateful thoughts but when it came to Taylor i just couldn't help it. She only wanted me for Luna she even told me.

' Flashback 9th grade year'

"Cayden baby when are you going to be mine" Taylor's nagging voice said as she threw herself at me. I know im the most popular boy in school even though im a freshman. I guess it has something to do with being the Alphas son, but anyways i didn't want any relationship! I was waiting for my mate, sure i sleep with other girls but that's just for fun. You can't be popular and not fuck the hottest girls in school, especially if they're willing.

Taylor is the slut of the school. She is so annoying i fucked her once and i truthfully regret it. Sure it was fun but damn i can't take her all over me with her cheap ass perfume! "Taylor how many fucking times do i have to tell you!" I screamed "I will never be yours you were a one time thing! Go find someone else that will fuck you jeeze!" i was furious she was getting on my last nerve. She paled a decent color or two which made me smirk this slut was easy and everyone knew it. "Who said i want you!" she spat. "You were terrible in bed and i just wanted to be Luna like everyone else you sleep with!" She was mad.

I laughed so hard i fell. I took out my phone and let my friends read all the texts she'd sent me. They all read 'i love you' 'when are you coming back over' and other whoreish crap. Everyone laughed she just ran. Thankfully she never bothered me again.

'End of flashback'

God she gets on my nerves, but that was nothing i need to get to my mate. In about 10 minutes flat about 50 of my best warrior wolves were at my side in wolf form heading south to the old abandoned warehouse. We made sure to disguise our scents and made our way there quietly.

We were about fifty yards away from the warehouse where we stopped. We decided to stop and wait until they were about to move Jess. We all made a circle and waited. About fifteen minutes later we saw Taylor and six other wolves. Jess was in the two biggest guys. We sent in a decoy to distract the rest of the wolves. A pregnant wolf ran up to them and screamed. Two wolves put away their guns and talked to her. "IM GOING INTO LABOR!" She exclaimed and the two wolves looked at Taylor with wide eyes. "Don't look at me escort her to a fucking hospital or something!" i laughed enternally this was going to be tooooooo easy.

We were already surrounding the place. i mind linked everyone and yelled 'go' . In about thirty seconds we surrounded the small group. Taylor's face went a grave shade of white besides her thick pink blush. But her face changed she was grinning. Not the look i was expecting. Before i could notice anything about thirty rogue wolves appeared behind us. How could we not have noticed. We still had the upperhand but it wasn't going to be as easy as i thought.

Everyone started fighting. Left and right wolves fell to the ground either howling in pain or dead. My wolves seemed to have a strong chance. I was warped in my thoughts when i noticed Taylor grab Jess and run towards the inside of the warehouse. I ran into the warehouse and saw Jess on the ground unconscious with no sign of Taylor .

I ran to her and dropped on my knees and shook her until she woke up. While removing the cloth from her mouth she smiled and i kissed her. "Baby are you alright" i cooed as she hugged my neck tightly. "I'm fine just slee-" her eyes widened and she just stared. "Oh look at the love birds." i turned to see Taylor standing with two guns in her hands. I was shocked i didn't know what to do. I stood up "Taylor put the guns down"

"No, i have silver in each bullet. I should've been Luna! Cayden ME!" She started shaking and laughing like she was mad

"Taylor we were never meant for eachother and you know that. There is no reason for you to act this way, you will find you're ma-"

"NO I DON'T WANT A MATE!" she screamed "I want luna... and if i can't be i guess we just won't have an Alpha or a Luna will we" She squeezed the trigger and i closed my eyes.

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