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Waking up i smelled the delicious aroma of my mothers wonderful cooking. Nothing seemed to worry me as i got into the shower and dressed. I dressed in a pale pink mini skirt with a sky blue tank and pink and blue stilettos . I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to breakfast. My mother made waffles and bacon which i immediately devoured upon sight. "What has gotten you in such a food mood?" My mother asked with a smirk upon her beautiful face. "My mate!" I beamed practically glowing. My mom taken aback yet again grinned wildly.

"Tell me everything !" She yelped seaming like an over grown teenager. I reluctantly told her everything and even about me going over there after school today. She smiled so big i thought her face would get stuck . "You have to let us meet him." She said awe struck. "When the time is right i don't want to scare him off just yet." I said playfully. Realizing what time it was i gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and practically skipped outside and into my car.

The ride to school was pleasant i arrived right on time. Everyone was buzzing with life as i stepped out of my car. I couldn't be happier just as i locked my car door i felt two strong arms but before i could wonder who it was a strong musky smell overcame me almost making me face plant the ground. I turned to face Caden as he kissed my forehead "Hello gorgeous" i sent him a smile at the sound of him calling me gorgeous. He intertwined his hands in mine and we proceeded to walk to the school. I couldn't help people staring at us. The guys sending whistles my way only to receive growls from Caden,they all did the same thing bowed and retreated with a tail between their legs. The girls were sending their hateful looks my way but i just shrugged it off and proceeded walking hand in hand with the guy of my dreams.

He had changed all of his classes with mine and so did Becca and Collin. I was glad to have friends finally and someone too care for me. This felt like dream come true. Lunched rolled by fast as we all walked to the lunch room i couldn't help but feel someone was staring. I turned to see a busty blonde with as much make up as a clown on shooting me death glares. I looked at her confused and turned back and continued walking.

When we were sitting in the cafeteria Caden pulled me onto his lap making me feel tingles of desire run up my and down my core. I loved the way my body reacted to his touch, it was simply amazing. I had to use the restroom so i excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I couldn't help but feel the same stare i was feeling earlier as i washed my hands. I looked to my side to see the same chick with a grin on her face. "Stay away from Caden he's mine, you dirty bitch!" I whipped my head around so fast im surprised i didn't get whiplash. "Excuse me?" I said questioning what i just heard. Becca came into the bathroom. "You heard what i said bitch stay away from Caden he's mine!" Before i knew it i had punched her in the face with a crunch of her nose she fell to the floor holding her nose screaming. "Before you threaten me or my mate know who your dealing with" i said as i turned on my heels only to see Becca standing there trying to hold back a laugh. We both walked out talking about what just happened. I sat back on Caden's lap

"Why do you smell like fresh blood?" Caden asked with a raised brow. After me and Becca explained everything he laughed so hard i nearly was crushed. "Taylor always has tried to scare away anyone i talked to." "Who is she?" I asked with a raised brow. He sighed "My ex-girlfriend she has been obsessed with me since the 9th grade." I laughed at the thought. If only she knew who she was dealing with she wouldn't have approached me so disrespectfully.

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