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I awoke out of my hazy daze with a migraine out of this world. I was in a dark room but my eyes soon adjusted to the harsh surroundings. I was in a jail cell but not just any jail cell, it's the same jail cell my sister was incased in when she and her mate were about to be slaughtered. All my memories came rushing into me at once. The smell of the air that dreadful night. The chill i felt as i watched as my sister was ripped to pieces . I began crying .

About 20 minutes later i heard footsteps coming towards the door that led into the room with many cells. I could tell they were heels from the way they clicked against the harsh pavement. I took in my surroundings looking for some type of weapon. The room smelled of rotting bodies and mild dew. I looked at the bed and saw there was a piece of the metal bar bent outward. I took that as my opportunity to peel it off and hide it in a nearby corner. The lights flickered on as a pale greenish colored light flickered on I saw Taylor standing before me.

My wolf now itching to come through i took a deep breath and let her scent hit me. How could i have not noticed before. She smells of the same perfume and grass as the rogue who killed my precious sister Samantha. I looked deep into my mind trying my best not to let Taylor see what i was doing i used my mate link to contact Cayden. Startled and worried he replied where are you. I told him my location and he said he was on his way. I was proud and smirking at Taylor now.

"So confident i see." Taylor said with a sly grin on her ill face. "Yes bitch is that a problem." Taken aback she replied " i wouldn't be so proud " she held out a lighter and spoke "one spark of this baby and this place goes KABOOM!" She imitated with her hands. "And what do you plan do do with that?" I replied completely unaware of the natural gas that was sitting in containers across the hall. A whole cell full of pure gas, this bitch was cruel.

"Well, while i plan on killing you one way or another. I don't want to kill you right now. That's why i didn't secure your wolf i already know you should've contacted Cayden by now. I just want to answer your questions as of before. I was listening to you and Caydens conversation in his office. A wolfs ear is a blessing." I was astonished and confused. But i was not about to let this chance to know why get away. "What happened why did you kill my sister?"

"I killed her because she had what was mine. Tristen was the only person who cared for me as my parents passed and i had no more known relatives. Even though me and Tristen weren't destined mates, i loved him an wanted him completely to myself. So much to where i would do anything to claim him as mine. Well, i found one of my aunts in Salem i went to search for her. I was gone for about a year or so. When i came back i discovered that Tristen had found his destined mate. I was furious, so furious on to the fact i began stalking him and leaving various messages. He told me to stay away that he didn't want me that he was harming his mate. Or his child. nobody knew at the time but Samantha was pregnant. To early for anyone to notice, they were going to announce it on the baby's 3 month date considering she was 2 months and a few weeks. I couldn't let that happen. I was just in agony as you could imagine. Well as i stalked him and Samantha i managed to find out that she enjoyed running when the full moon was out. She would run in and out of your territory . I took that to my advantage. I began awaiting the next full moon. Training,practicing to get the affects of my skillful plan to kill her over. I did not intend on killing Tristen." She spoke with sorrow and worry and pain but worst of all bitterness.

"The night came soon. I was ready and everything was in place. Through all of this Cayden was there . He didn't know but he was my back up for everything. I had even asked him to let me guard the perimeters that night. Hahaha looking back he was just as stupid as he is now picking you over me. But that's beside the point. Well, your sister and Tristen were running it was pitch black and ... Instead of leaping for Samantha i ended up ripping the love of my life's lungs out of his chest with my bare teeth." I could've sworn i saw a tear leave her eyes she cared for him and i could see she was hurt. "Samantha came willingly and died with her pride on her shoulders. She didn't want to live after seeing her mate being slaughtered. Even for her child she was scared. She couldn't live without her precious mate not even for the little one brewing inside of her. She was internally weak and didn't think she could stand it. I was always better, but Tristen didn't care. He just wanted his hideous mate." She spoke with spite that made my blood boil.

It had been about 10 minutes since i contacted Cayden . We were at least 8 miles outside of Caydens territory so i gave him some slack on timing . I looked at the piece of shit in front of me. I spoke with so much hate i didn't even care for the lighter she still had in her hand. "So you killed a women her child and a man. You killed them with only thoughts of yourself. How selfish! No wonder Cayden doesn't want you ! You could never be an Alpha Female , they don't just think of themselves and the easy way out. You have to think of the pack mates and their happiness as well! Your just a selfish rotten bitch and i would be glad if you could perish in the eternal flame of fire in hell !" I didn't notice the sudden wetness on my cheeks. I was crying and i didn't even care. I looked at her as my eyes blackened with pure hate. I could feel my wolf rising to the surface. I let her a loose and before i knew it i was through the metal bars of the steel bars.

My eyes flicked towards Taylor who was crying and laughing an evil sinister laugh " You just don't get it. I will get my way one way or another Jessica. Trust me i will be back." She suddenly flicked the lighter and tossed it towards the floor where a line trailed with gasoline that led to the barrels of the natural gas laid. As soon as the fire started she shifted and jumped out of the window that stood at least 15 feet above.

I had bigger problems than Taylor's escape i had to get out before the flame took over the whole jail. I jumped and failed as i tried to get out of the window i jumped again and heard the explosion behind me i landed on the hard concrete that shielded my fall. I could barely move and felt amazingly weak. I felt my head hit the pavement and i looked up an gasped as i saw my sister holding her baby above me. That only lasted a second before i fell limp and motionless on the hard pavement.

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