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*Jess p.o.v*

As I woke up from the best sleep it seemed I had had in a while i look over to see Cayden still motionless in sleep. I got up and took a shower and put on a long but casual dress, and carefully snuck out of our room. I've been great, but with the baby due in two weeks and the wedding in one it's been pretty hectic. Cayden has been really supportive but I need time alone to think. I haven't had my wolf with me in so long I feel helpless. I walk out of the house and to the field where the trees cleared and out looked most of the pack territory. It was so beautiful since the sun was rising. The wind whipped my hair across my face and i help my palm to my stomach. For the first time in a while I sat down and cleared my head. I felt myself seeping into a trance like state, my eyes shut and I could only see a woman standing before me. "Who are you?" I asked the black haired, blue eyed gorgeous woman before me with intense curiosity. "I am the moon goddess, I have come because I have something of grave importance to share with you Jessica." my heart skipped a beat, or so I had thought. This lady dressed in a white floor length, flowy gown was indeed the moon goddess. I had no doubts. "I understand, and what is it that you would like to share with me, Moon Goddess" i bow as much as I can due to my pregnant state. "It's about your wild Jessica, she is not dead. She is only dormant within you. You and only you can awaken her with an act of a true Luna. When you have accomplish this, all will be as it was again." I was astonished. "And what is this act of a true Luna you speak of Goddess?" Her only response was "That is all I can share with you my daughter, blessed be". And with that I can out of the trance and stood up. The sun had fully risen and peered proudly, almost smiling over the horizon.

As I walk back into the house I hear Cayden before I can see him. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED!" He ran to me pulling me into him almost cutting off my air. "I went for a walk. I hadn't noticed how long I had been gone. Im sorry Cayden." I gave him a light peck on the lips knowing that would be the only thing that would calm him. "Get a room!" I heard Becca yell and looked over to see her leaning in the door way. "I don't think they need anymore rooms, that's how that baby got made in the first place" Collin said after he rounded the corner in search his mate. We all burst out into laughter and walked into the kitchen were Becca was cooking breakfast for the pack. After everyone had eaten i decided it would be best if I went and laid down for a little while.

When I got to bed i couldn't sleep. I just laid there starring at the ceiling. it wasn't fun but it gave me some time to think. What could the moon goddess have meant? An act of a true Luna . Im completely stumped. Eventually Cayden made his way into the bed and we slept.


Today was the day! I woke up and stretched for what seemed like years. Becca, Theresa, and my mom rushed into my room and started jumping on my bed. Being as I wanted a traditional wedding, Cayden slept over at his parents house that night, reluctantly it took a little convincing. Collin, my dad, Benjamin, and Cayden where all at his parents house getting ready for the wedding. It was going to be an outdoor wedding of course . The sun was bright and i had 3 hours to prepare. Us girls took a trip to the spa, I really needed that deep tissue massage. We finally left and went back to the house where we got our hair and make-up done. I couldn't believe how time has just flown by. It was less than an hour until my wedding. I was so nervous, what I'd i messed up something ? What if something bad happened? Oh my gosh I couldn't take this. Everyone saw the panic on my face. "Jessica?" My mom said in a worried tone. "Everything will be fine, you have your mate out there ready to meet you at the alter. And you have your baby boy ready to meet his mother in a week." she said smiling rubbing small circles on my stomach through the robe. "You're right." I smiled from the reassurance my mom had given me. I stood up and they helped me into my dress. It was beautiful. Even with my large stomach it was beautiful.

Time started to pass and it was time to walk down the isle. My dad appeared at my side and I was handed a bouquet of red roses. The pianist started to play here comes the bride and i locked eyes with my mate and soon to be husband. His eyes became wide and his mouth dropped open. I think I've become quiet used to seeing his face like that. I smiled as warm tears started trailing down my face. I could feel the wind blowing my hair, the sun on my face, it just felt like the perfect dream. When we reached the alter i hugged and kissed my dad as Cayden took my hands. All i was consumed with was Cayden at that moment. The next thing I remember was that we said our I do's and Cayden kissed me, but it wasn't like anything else I had ever felt before. It was full of lust, pride, honesty, passion, and most of all love. As the night grew late and everything had died down Cayden and I just sat on a bench with my head perched on his shoulder and his arm around me looking into the clear water of a lake. "We did it Jessica, we got married ." He said as he kissed my forehead. I grinned up at him and shook my head. "We did it." was my response.

About half an hour later my mom came over and congratulated us. I tried to get up and hug her when a sharp pain occurred in my stomach. "What's wrong" a look of concern clear on his face. "Cayden?" I croaked, "if you have to chose between me and the baby, promise me you'll choose the baby."I was on the verge of blacking out when he shook his head but agreed. The last thing I heard was my mom yell "She's going into labor!" Before I was out.

I was really getting tired of waking up in hospital beds. When I rolled over i noticed my stomach was flat. I screamed. A nurse came rushing in. "Whats wrong Luna?" I Answered "My baby wasn't due for another week. Where is he?!" "Calm down Luna your baby is fine, Alpha Cayden took him out into the hall because he started crying and he didn't want the baby to wake you. You've been in a coma for two days." i was astonished. Two days? Why was I in a coma for two days? Suddenly, Cayden walked in with the baby. I almost started crying it was such a pretty sight. I looked up and gaped at me. He handed the baby boy to me. "Look what we made Jess. He's going to be a wonderful leader and a perfect son." i nodded my head and let the tears come. "You want to know the name I thought of?" He seemed really eager. Any name he came up with i would agree with. "Yes I want to know what you named our little boy." "Christian Cayden Ross." i started grinning from ear to ear. "That's perfect!" I squealed. The nursed appeard, "excuse me Luna and Alpha Ross. The baby and Luna are in perfect condition and may leave as soon as I have her signature ." I almost bolted out of the hospital after signing those papers. I really don't like hospitals anymore.

Once we got home everyone had already gathered at the house. Including both of our parents. We handed Christian over to them and they had a field day. Something felt different about me. Something that I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt stronger for some reason, my senses seemed more powerful than normal. I looked at Cayden who was staring at me in confusion. "Cayden I need to talk to you." He agreed and followed me to the patio. When the door shut he spoke "What's wrong babe?" "Something feels different, I should still be weak without my wolf healing, but I feel strong and perfectly back to normal." a smile of hope plastered across his face. "Do you think your wolf could've possibly came back?" I didn't even want to try i was to scared of being disappointed. I guess he saw the look of fear cross my face. "Jess it will be okay. Just try to shift, if you can't i will still be with you every step of the way with you and Christian. I promise." I looked up at him and his face held pure honesty. I stepped forward and kissed him, I would try. I stepped back and concentrated, for a while nothing happened I couldn't feel or hear my wolf anywhere. As I was about to give up i felt something pull me back. I felt my body starting to hum, I felt my tendons and bones cracking and reforming. In less than a minute i opened my eyes and Cayden was smiling. I looked down and I was in wolf form. I stood up on my hind legs and howled a thank you to the moon goddess, causing everyone to peer outside. Once they did I heard hoops and hollers from everyone along with clapping. I quickly shifted back and ran and hugged Cayden. My mom handed me Christian and me and Cayden just stood there amoung the clapping crowd. Everything was perfect, i had a husband, a son, and my wolf was back. I couldn't imagine living any other way. There in Cayden's arms holding Christian, there would be nothing to describe the love I felt.

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