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The gun rang through my ears. I couldn't help but flinch at the sound of a woman screaming. What if it's Jess? Dear God how am I going to live with this. The smell of blood overwhelmed my senses, I couldn't take it. My heart leaped from my chest as I peeled my eyes open.

Jess lay on the ground a few inches away from me. I paled as i saw the blood puddled around her. There was a bullet wound in her stomach. Not deadly but im sure she's knocked unconcious. I turned around so fast im sure any human would break their neck. My wolf was taking over and i could feel it. Taylor stood there smirking happy at what she had done. "Your next!" Her nagging voice screamed.

I lunged at her incapable of controlling myself. Mid air i turned into my wolf before i knew it my teeth were around Taylor's neck ripping her to pieces. Three of my men walked in and started pulling me off of her, well what was left.

My attention immediately snapped back to Jess. Her normally tan beautiful face was now a grimy shade of white . The pack doctor was on his way i felt him making his way sensing his panic. He must've felt his Luna's injury. I scooped her up in my arms and ran in the direction i sensed the doctor coming. I met him and the ambulance and they immediately began hooking her up to multiple machines. I felt her weakining. The silver in the bullets must be killing her.

We got to the hospital and they took Jess to the ER. I can't think straight i could feel Jess slipping away. I took all of my strength to call her parents and mine. I sat in a chair and waited. My parents arrived and I told them everything. I couldn't feel Jess anymore. I couldn't even hear her heart beat. Dear God....Is Jess dead?

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