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He didn't. In fact, Louis' jealousy seemed to be getting worse and worse each day. About a week after the Zayn incident, Louis had gotten jealous over: Niall and Harry having a pillow fight, Liam and Niall sitting next to Harry at meals and not leaving a space for Louis, Zayn borrowing Harry's jacket, Harry giving Niall and piggy back and vice versa, Harry talking to almost any other camper, Zayn giving Harry a friendship bracelet, Liam and Harry wrestling playfully on the basketball court, Niall and Harry hugging and being close to each other, and so, so, SO much more.

It wasn't like Harry didn't get jealous too. Obviously he didn't want any other guy taking Louis from him, but he didn't really have the time to be jealous of guys because all his time was either occupied with Louis or watching as Louis yelled at Niall, Liam, or Zayn, or any other person who dared breathe around Harry. Of course that was an exaggeration, but that's what it felt like.

It seemed like the minute Louis got up in the morning, the first person he saw within a foot of Harry got screamed at and the last thing he did at night was scream at the last person he saw that was within a foot of Harry.

At first Harry was flattered. Louis was getting jealous over Harry because he wanted him all to himself, but it started getting annoying. It wasn't only annoying with having to hear Louis scold the other cabin mates and have to continuously tell Louis that he wasn't interested in anyone but him. But Liam, Zayn, and even Niall started to distance themselves from Harry.

They still talked to Harry but they were too scared of Louis to touch him or interact with him much. Looking at comic books on the same bunk? Forget about it. Walking next to each other on the way to activities or meals? Absolutely not. It seemed as though Harry was losing his new friends, but even worse, he was losing Niall.

Harry cared for Louis so much, but he knew deep down that he would chose Niall over him. Niall was his best friend. Niall was his brother. Niall had been there for him through thick and thin and if Louis was making their friendship tense then Harry would have to put a stop to it.

The Wednesday of the sixth week of camp, Harry slipped into the cabin after being in the bathroom and crawled up onto Niall's bunk. Niall's eyes immediately grew and he looked around frantically, making sure Louis hadn't suddenly appeared with an ax and was going to kill him.

"H – Harry, mate, what are you doing?" He whispered. "Louis ... Louis, he might –"

"No! Not anymore." Harry started, tugging on Niall's sleeve, and leading him down the ladder onto the crap covered cabin floor. He waved for Liam and Zayn to join them and they did so.

"Guys ... look," Harry started a little sheepishly. "I – I know that Louis has been a little ..."

"Crazy!" Liam put in.

"Mean." Zayn added.

"Scary." Niall finished off.

Harry smiled. "Yes, all of those things. And I know it's gotten out of hand. I mean ... I can't even hang out with my ... my brother Niall without him worrying about Louis' rage. And I just ... I won't stand for it anymore. I'm gonna talk to him, okay? Because I miss you guys and I need you in my life. I care for Louis but ... but this summer was about making additional friends," Harry winked at Niall who smiled back, "and I don't want to finish off the session this way. So please stop looking over your shoulders every time I hang out with you and let me back into your life. Please?"

The three boys exchanged looks, pretending to contemplate Harry's offer, before turning back and smiling. "'Course mate." They ran forward and enveloped Harry in a giant bear hug and Harry might've shed a few tears of joy. Just a few.

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