Chapter 1

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He's beautiful, As they look into each others eyes Dan feels like he could drown in the clear blue sitting I front of him, his black hair represented the night. Dan could see any facial features, but he didn't need to see anything. Suddenly the blue eyes and black hair started to fade, and the he was gone.....

Dan woke up dreading that he was in reality again. He wanted to go back the the boy with the amazing blue eyes and just stare at them all night long, but sadly he couldn't and had to go to school before we was late again.
On dans way to school he couldn't keep his mind off of the boy from his dream, Dan didn't know anyone with blue eyes and black hair, so he knew it wasn't anyone he knew. He was curious though to know more about the boy, but didn't mind that much because he already knew it was just a dream.

"Daniel" a middle aged short lady with too tight of a bun on her head,
"You're late again, this is the 3rd time this week. I'm afraid I'm going to have to inform your parents about this!"
"Sorry" Dan said in a calm tone, he wasn't freaked out about her calling his parents, she's done it many times before and all the times dans parents don't seem to care.
Dans parents were hardly home due to work, so Dan had to adapt living by himself and doing things around the house, sometimes Dan thought what it would be like to have a normal 19 year old life with his parents and friends, (Dan didn't have many friends either).

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the heavy door of the classroom close and he immediately turned his attention to the boy who walked in. To be honest Dan thought he was EXTREMELY attractive without a doubt, but then realized... He had black hair in the same fringe style like the boy in his dreams
"It couldn't be, it's not" Dan thought
"Class this is Phil Lester,he's new here" the teacher said with a warm smile. (Dan knew that smile was fake)
"You can sit next to uh....... Mr.Howell in the back"
"Of fucking course" Dan cursed under his breath. Phil sat next to Dan and Dan blushed.
"Hey, I'm Phil" he said
Dan looked up and said hi back and for the rest of the day Dan couldn't help but think
"Phil has the same exact blue eyes and black hair like the boy from my dreams."


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