Chapter 16

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Dans P.O.V
"I love you" Phil said. Taken completely  by suprise, Dan looked at Phil and smiled. He didn't know what to say, he felt bad for not answering straight away ,but Phil wasn't expecting one. A few moments pass, and they hear footsteps coming up the walkway. Dan and Phil are pulled away from their stare and looked up to see the person walking up. 
"Chris?" Dans eyes widen and steps back a little remembering all the bad memories they've had. Phil looked back at Dan and noticed his actions so he stepped forward.
"What the hell do you want?" Phil said firmly
"Just wanted to see how Danny and his boy toy were doing," he looked at Dan and smirked. "Look at you. You back away everytime I look at you." He chuckled. He pointed at Phil "he's the one who changed you,  what happened to the confident Dan I used to know the one who wouldn't give a shit about himself or anyone, all that changed when you moved schools and met him" he motioned to Phil.
"Chris just shut your mouth" Dan said.
Chris stepped forward and was even closer to Dan pushing Phil out of the way. Dan backed away until he was leaning against the door, suddenly Chris raised his hand
"Don't you fucking touch him!"  Phil yelled and pushed Chris away from Dan.
"Don't worry philly, I was only seeing if I still had Dan under control." He smirked "apparently I do!" He looked at Phil and whispered. "If you have enough power, you'd have this boy under your command" and walked away "bye bear!!" 
Dan slid down the door and started crying. Remembering all of the things that happened in that "relationship".
"Dan? What's wrong? How could he get to you like that?" 
Dan got up trying not to make Phil worry too much and wiped his tears.
"I'm fine Phil it's okay"
Phil looked at Dan fear and worry in his eyes, he shouldn't tell Phil yet. Dan got up and walked into the house Phil following behind. It was silent, but not and akward silence it was a comfortable silence.
"Are you sure?" Phil asked still worried
"Yeah, I'm fine. You can go home if you want." Even though Dan wanted Phil to stay.
"I'm not leaving you in this state. Look at you. You could barely even walk you've been crying so much"
Dan giggled at how worried and protective phil was being.
"Okay, you can borrow some clothes" Dan said pointing upstairs. Phil ran upstairs and went to dans room to get changed and to call his mom. Dan took a deep breath and sighed.
"I need to tell him, but not now." He whispered to himself. Soon after he heard Phil coming down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.  He looked at Phil and smiled when he saw he was dressed in his clothes.
"you look cute in my clothes"
Phils face turned a cherry red.
"Thanks! I ordered a pizza" he smiled
they both went upstairs and played video games are pizza and talked until it got late.

Around midnight 12:00

Phil yawned. They were both laying in dans bed watching a movie, Phil laying on top of Dan and Dan playing with his hair. Dan giggled of how Phil was trying his hardest to stay awake.
"You can go to sleep, I'm getting pretty tired too" dans said
"Okay, goodnight" Phil then closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep. Once Phil had fully fallen asleep, Dan heard his little snores and heavy breathing and his whole body was relaxed. Dan yawned and kissed the top of Phils head. He smiled.
"Goodnight, I love you too."

Authors note: 
That was a lot happening, and I wrote this super early 😂😂

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