Chapter 14

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Dans P.O.V
Dan had tried to call Phil 3 times that day, but all times goes to voice mail. Dan was worried about Phil being alone at Chris's house, it's not that he doesn't trust Phil, it's he doesn't trust Chris. He decides to call Phil one more time.
Hey this is Phil. Sorry couldn't be at the phone this time so leave a message after the rawr!
Dan sighs and hangs up the phone. He goes upstairs into his room and lays down. Just as Dan was about to fall asleep, his phone buzzes. He immediately gets up and checks his phone thinking its Phil, but it's not instead it's Pj. Dan sighs and looks at the text.
Text from Peej:
Hey, want to come over and work on our project?
From Dan:
Sure.. I'll be there in 20 mins.

Dan gets up and gets ready. He walks out of the door and heads into his car. It takes about 10 minutes to drive to Pjs house. Once he gets there he knocks on the door,a couple of moments later, the door opens to a boy with brown curly hair and greens eyes, he's wearing black. skinny jeans and a green sweater.
"Hey Peej" Dan says
"What's up d-slice" Pj responds. Dan chuckles and tells Pj to never call him that again.
"So? What should we film?"
"I don't know you're the one with the creative imagination" Dan giggles.
"Hmmm? How about we film a challenge video?"
"Sure sounds fun and "school appropriate" Dan quotes with his fingers. They both laugh and set up Pjs camera
"I have these jelly beans my mum got me last month, we could try those.. They have good and bad flavors"
They start to film and by the time they finish both of their breathes taste of the most disgusting things.
"I can't believe I at a booger one!" Dan says "how do they even get that flavor in there?!"
"I know right! I can't believe I got skunks pray!"
They both laugh and head up to Pjs room to edit the video. As they play the video back they laugh the whole time and edit the boring bits out. A couple of hours later, they finish editing and it gets pretty late. 11:30
"Want to sleep over? You can borrow some clothes."
"Sure, why not?"
They get up and put a movie on. Both sitting on Pjs bed. It was quiet until Pj started talking.
"Do you miss it?..... Do you miss us?"
"Peej you know I love you, but things are different now, Phil.... Makes me happy"
"I never made you happy?" Peej says sadly.
"You did, but Phils different he not only makes me happy, but he makes me feel like I'm at home whenever I'm with him. "
"Oh, that's good..... Just wanted to say I miss you."
"I miss you too,but not in the way you miss me"
"I understand, goodnight"
And with that, they both fell asleep.

Authors note:
This chapter was crap!! But oh whale. I didn't spell check this either soo....

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