Chapter 3 (a friend?)

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Dans P.O.V
Dan awoke the next morning feeling... confused. He couldn't believe it , it was Phil sitting there by the tree. Dan got up and got ready for school and headed out.
"Daniel! Late again!? What's wrong with you?... detention!"
"Sorry" Dan said (like he always did)
Dan sat down, but Phil wasn't there. 45 minutes later, there he was with his black hair and blue eyes, slouching because of his heavy school bag. He sat down next to Dan and began to listen to the lesson.
"How did you not get caught being late, but I always do!? I mean it's only your second day and you walked in late." Dan whispered to Phil. Phil looked tired he had very heavy bags under his eyes and the blue  in his eyes seemed to be a grayish shade.
"I don't know" Phil shrugged his arms
"Just lucky I guess"
"Is there something you want to share with the class?" The teacher yelled
"No ma'am" they said in sync
"Lester, I was going to let the late show up slide, but since you're interrupting my students I'm afraid of have to give you detention!"  She told Phil
"BUT HE WAS THE ONE TALKING TO ME!" Phil talked back
"I don't care, you responded and you didn't need to"
"Great" Phil threw his hands up in the air.
"It's all your fault" Phil hissed at Dan
"I didn't even do anything" Dan replied
"Don't talk you me!, I thought you would be one of those good kids, but I guess I was wrong you're just like everyone else ... Just leave me alone alright?"
"Fine" Dan snapped back.

Fast forward to detention cuz I'm too lazy

Dan was usually the only person to be in detention, but today he wasn't alone. He walked through the doors to already see Phil sitting there.
"Okay kiddos" the principle said
"Don't really have much, so you will just have to sit here and do homework."  He left the room to go to his office. Dan sat down away from Phil and sighed loudly. Phil pulled out his homework and started working. Dan just sat there on his phone and listened to music . It was very silent, until Dan heard a voice, he took out his earphones and said
"I said I was sorry" Phil said in a sympathetic tone in his voice.
"For what?" Dan asked confused
"For yelling at you earlier, it's just...... I've never had detention before"
"Well... you can't just yell at someone and think it's going to be okay with just saying sorry" Dan said still pissed off about what happened earlier.
"Fine!" Phil said "I tried to say sorry, but apparently you don't want an apology... you know I sort of wanted to be your friend, but now I know why you don't have any."
The bell rang and Phil went rushing out the door. Dan sat there in silence thinking about what Phil said,

He wanted to be my friend?

poor Danny

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