Chapter 7 ^^^^ watch video

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Dans P.O.V
It was Sunday, and Dan couldn't stop thinking about what had "happened" between him and Phil. He couldn't believe it, he almost kissed Phil Lester. THE PHIL LESTER he thought. The boy with Raven black hair and blue eyes that you could drown in if you looked at them long enough. He still had the dreams. But the other person wasn't blurry anymore, it was always Phil. Nobody else. He hasn't told Phil about the dreams yet, he's too scared that Phil would think he's weird and stop taking to him. Dan was lost in his little own world every time he thought about Phil or was with him. He didn't know the feeling, but Dan liked it. He knew that he had MAJOR feelings for Phil, but these feeling were different. He felt warm and safe and all these other things. Dan never had his parents around and he had no siblings, so he doesn't have the whole family experience, but he looked at Phil and he just feels like he's ......... home. He felt that Phil was his home. Phil made him feel safe and cared for and loved. Dan loved it. Dans thoughts were getting deeper and deeper until he heard his phone buzz

Phil: Hey ;)
Dan: Hi 🙂
Phil: wyd?
Dan: nothing, just thinking.
Phil: about??
Dan: nothing lol
Phil: better be about me 😊😂 just kidding.
Dan: 😂
Phil: wanna come over, my parents left for some business trip.
Dan: sure!

Dan got ready to go Phils house.

Phils P.O.V
Phil was excited. He cleaned his room and ordered a pizza. He couldn't stop thinking about what he was going to do to finish what was going to happen the day before. His heart was racing with nerves and excited and a tad bit of fear. Phil was contemplating all of the things he was going to try to do so he could kiss Dan, but one thing he did know was that his mom wouldn't interrupt this time.

Soon after, he heard a knock on the door. He got up and opened it to see Dan standing there.
He looks very dressed up to just be visiting. Phil thought
He ignored those thoughts and let Dan in. They went up to Phils room and started to play video games, until they heard the doorbell ring.
"Oh that's the pizza guy, stay here"
Phil got up
Phil came back up the stairs to see Dan not sitting on his bed anywhere. He put the pizza down and looked around, but still couldn't see Dan.
"Dan?" "Dan!?" He yelled louder.
"AHHH" Dan came rushing into the room knocking Phil over onto his bed. Dan was on top of Phil and Phil could feel Dans heartbeat against his.
"Or you'll what?" Dan giggled. They both laughed not realizing what position they were in. Dan blushed and started to get off, but Phil wasn't even thinking before he pulled Dan back down. Dan laughed,
"What're doing?"
"You're like a big cuddly bear, I like it and you're warm"
"Haha okay."
They both laid there's little bit.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Phil blushed noticing Dan staring at him.
"Because, I think you're really cute"
Phil blushed even harder, he could feel his face heating up
" I'm not"
"Yes you are!"
They both laughed and started to stare at each other. They stayed in that position for a little longer, Dan on top of Phil. Them suddenly Phil started to Phil a weight lowering on his chest. He looked at Dan and saw that his eyes were closed and he was leaning in. Phil did the same and before he knew it, he was kissing Dan.
HOLY SHIET! Phil thought
Phil felt a feeling he never felt before, and he loved it. It was like fireworks were bursting everywhere. He always thought when people explained first kisses and they mention fireworks, he thought it was a bunch of bull, but IT WAS TRUE! He felt those fireworks! The kiss lasted a few more seconds until Dan pulled away. Staring at each other, both of their faces were as red as a stop light. They laughed and Dan got off of Phil. They were both really quiet both in shock, until Dan said something,
"So what about the pizza?"

Authors note:

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