Chapter 4

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Dans P.o.v
Dan thought about what Phil said for the rest of the day. He couldn't actually believe that some wanted to be his friend. Dan never knew what having a friend was like so he felt guilty for letting Phil down, because Dan knew Phil was having a hard time making friends too. Dan really wanted to be Phil's friend, but how?


It was lunch and Dan sat on the field under the big oak tree alone (like usual), but something felt....weird, he felt like he was being watched. He looked around and didn't see anyone there, he still had the same feeling so he looked around one more time to see Phil sitting on the bench staring at Dan. Dan caught Phil staring and Phil immediately looked away. Dan walked up and started to head toward Phil, but when Phil saw Dan he got up and walked away.

Phils P.O.V
CRAP! Phil thought as he saw Dan looking at him
He saw you! Now he's going to think you're a complete weirdo!
Phil got lost in his thoughts until he looked back at Dan, but Dan wasn't sitting under the tree anymore, he was walking towards Phil. Phil panicked and got up and walked away.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid!!! Phil thought
Oh my god he probably thinks you hate him! But I don't!
Phil picked up his pace when he heard Dan yelling  for him. He ran out of breath and it was silent outside, but Phil heard footsteps coming closer and closer to him. The footsteps stopped and Phil felt a hand on his shoulder and another person breathing heavily.
"Jesus on a boat you run fast!" Dan said still breathing heavily
"Haha" Phil chuckled feeling very nervous because Dan was standing  right in front of him. Phil didn't know what it was, but whenever he saw Dan or "talked" to him, he'd get a strange feeling in his stomach. Phil never thought about being...... gay, but this boy brought those thoughts right out.
Maybe I am, who cares
Maybe Dan is too, maybe...... hopefully .

Phil snapped out of his thoughts when he heard dans voice
"I'm sorry......what?"
"I'm sorry that I got mad at you, I didn't realize you wanted to be my friend... It's just that I'm not used to having friends,,, so I didn't know what to do..."
"It's okay!" Phil said In his happy voice
"Really?" Dan said with a smile,
"Yeah" Phil smiled back
Jesus Christ his smile 😍
Phil thought.
"So want to hang out at my house after school?" Phil asked "it's okay I'm not sure about how the whole friend thing works either, so maybe we could try to do what regular friends do"

Dans P.O.V
"Umm sure yeah!" Dan was super excited, he finally has a friend.
OMG his smile ❤️
Dan thought as Phil smiled when Dan agreed to go to his house.

After school Dan went to Phils house and did whatever "normal" friends did.
They joked around, played games, ate a lot of food and had an amazing time.
When Dan left it left both of them in a great mood.
When Dan came home, he went up to his room and plopped down on his bed and relived what had just happened. He couldn't believe it! He walked out of school with a new friend and possibly a little crush.

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