Chapter 2 (phils first day)

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Phils P.o.v
I walked into the classroom and looked around. There weren't many kids around, but that was okay I didn't like big crowds anyway. I made my way in and was greeted by I suppose was the teacher,
"Class this is Phil Lester he's new here"
I waved to the class and sat down where she told me to sit. I sat down and looked at the person I was sitting next to, he had brown hair that was styled the same as mine, but in the opposite direction.
"Hey, I'm Phil" I said nervously (I had to admit, this guy was pretty cute). He looked up and I immediately looked into his eyes
Those look familiar Phil thought to himself, almost like.... In the dream he had last night.

Phil thought it was just a coincidence and ignored the fact that this might be the beautiful brown eyed boy he dreamed of last night.

Dans P.O.V
The rest of the school day was normal. Dan ate lunch alone and went to his classes like normal, but something felt... strange. He noticed that Phil was in every single one of his classes. He could feel him staring at Dan which sort of made Dan uncomfortable, but at the same time.... He kind of liked it.

Eventually the day came to an end and Dan went "home", Dan didn't like calling his house home because it didn't feel like home, no parents to come home to, no home cooked meals, no siblings.. Dan was an only child which made him extra lonely and he had barely any friends. Dan ordered himself a pizza and went upstairs to do his homework. While he was doing homework he couldn't help but think about the boy with blue eyes and how Phil had the exactly the same ones,
"Maybe" he thought
"Theres NO WAY IN HELL that was a coincidence, that was a sign... A SIGN YOU SHOULD EMBRACE"
Dans mind went on and on with theories about Phil being the boy, but he didn't want to believe them.

That night Dan couldn't sleep, afraid he would have a different dream from the one before, but he eventually had no choice, but to sleep.

There he was again, sitting under a tree looking out into the distance. As Dan stepped closer to him, his black hair was more visible, and his blue eyes were the same, but you could see more of his facial features. Dan looked extra close at the boys face and it looked awfully familiar. As his vision cleared up, Dan couldn't believe his eyes....... Can it be? Phil?

ooohhhhh 😱

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