Chapter 5:The Cost of Tears

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Guiltare stood in the field, her arms crossed. She had brought a few soldiers with her, as well as Narra and Gem. Their current employer was one of the Northmen chieftains, from the cold lands near the Eisen homeland. They normally gathered in clans for raids against other nations, for a variety of reasons.

Some wanted to conquer farmland. Some wanted to amass wealth. Others did it simply for the joy of killing Southerners. Whatever their motives, they all had one thing in common. They thought very little of women. Part of why this contract had been such a high-paying one was the chief's demeanor;Meeting a woman who wielded as much power as he had been unnerving, and he had been unsure how to proceed.

This time, however, the effect would be lessened, and Guiltare had made brought the others to re-establish his shock.

Gem put a hand to her ear, then signed."They're here." Pointing at the approaching group.

The chief walked towards them, flanked on one side by a commander carrying a scroll, and by an unhappy looking man fanning him to keep him cool. The chief seemed more regal than one would expect of a tribal lord. He had trimmed his beard short, so that its black color almost blended in with his outline.

His fingers were studded with rings, none of which, oddly enough, seemed to fit him. Most odd were his clothes. He had stubbornly continued to wear the fur garments of his people, even in the warmer climate. Bear, wildcat, and rabbit furs were stitched together all over his body, with a hat made from a Sable upon his head:A symbol of his chiefdom.

He looked at the commander, who nodded, unrolling his scroll."Presenting Zan Zao Zwilt, chieftain of the Zwilt tribe, Future king of all Northmen, brother to bears, slayer of sable, and conqueror of the tribes of Zvida, Xsoll, Wyret, Wyren, Karis, Vrayn...."

He continued listing off names. When he was finished, Guiltare looked at Gem out of the corner of her eye. She opened and closed her fists quickly.

Ten. Ten. Six.

Guiltare nodded in agreement. Twenty-six tribes he had conquered, and the same number of rings on his hands. Zan looked at her, nodding briefly."Ith-Chiba." He said.

His commander bowed."He greets you, and is pleased to once again make your acquaintance, great lady."

Guiltare nodded. She was feigning ignorance of the language, and knew that Zan had truly called her 'Harlot', 'Foul woman', and many other unpleasant things besides. "Why,the feeling is mutual." She replied honestly.

Zan nodded to the fanning servant. He nodded obediently and sat down the fan, unstrapping a chest from his back and setting it before them effortlessly."Tapay." He grunted.

"Your pay." The commander translated.

Guiltare narrowed her eyes."...And where, pray tell, would the rest be?"

Zan scoffed."Ta loot Di ma oef."

His commander bowed his head respectfully."You took it from our weakling foes, lady."

The Demon shook her head."No. I took it from your foes, because, as I understand it, you could not yourself. And thus, there should be nine more chests before me." She insisted, growing impatient.

Zan scoffed."Ith-Chiba,waracal ehmo!" The commander winced at the words, but looked at Guiltare."He...urges you to reconsider your arguments." He said, opting for a kinder translation.

Narra looked at her."We did gain much loot from the enemy camp,lady. Perhaps-"

Guiltare shook her head, looking at Zan."He's not translated a word for you, so you can stop pretending you are oblivious to the words I speak." The chief's eyes widened in slight surprise, but he did not reply, so The Demon continued."The rules of our warband are simple. Pay what you owe, and we'll strike down your foes. Do you seek to insult Black Griffin with this mockery of a payment?"

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