Chapter 52: Swordsman

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It had been several days since Gem's discovery of Triple Dragon's true nature. She'd had little opportunity to speak, as The Swordsman had bound her hands. He half led, half dragged her to their destination. He was silent, but always kept his free hand on his sword case, making it clear that any more escape attempts would be met with violence.

She chose to play along....for now. There was always the chance that he'd choose to remove a limb, a nightmare she hoped to avoid. True, with her Nrevacian body, it would only be a matter of time before it returned. But, if he chose her sword arm, it would hinder any escape attempts. Losing a leg would thwart her entirely. Odd though the situation may be, her chance of escape would be greatest at their destination. Many lesser guards under cover of night would be easier than the single adversary form of The Swordsman.

It was tempting to think of grabbing one of his blades and slicing off his head, would never work under these conditions, and in any case...she was curious. The Devil had died when she was young, and any conversations of him around camp were brief, nondescript, and before she could press further, the subject would be hastily changed. This might be the first chance in her life she had to press for details.

She waited until they stopped for the night, then whistled. When he looked, she gestured to her hands. He narrowed his eyes."Something to say?" She nodded."And you won't try to escape?" She shook her head, then pounded her hands against her chest, the sign for 'Promise'.

He sighed, untying her hands. She quickly signed out her question."What happened with The Devil?"

The Swordsman sighed."...That is none of your concern, girl."

She sighed."...I never knew the Devil. I only know his daughter, and...I want to know more about where she came from, what her life was like."

He sighed, stirring the fire and sending up a shower of sparks."Hmph. And why would that matter?" He asked."Did that impact how you were raised? Does it affect you at all?"

She sighed, clutching at the sky, then tapping the side of her head."That's what I want to know."

He shook his head."Hmph..." He stirred the fire a bit more.

Gem sighed a bit, cracking her knuckles impatiently. The Swordsman looked up, sighing."...It was....A long time ago now. I forget how many years have passed, for my life has been...autonomous and blurred. One instant I am eating a dish from my homeland. The next instant I am cleaning blood off my blades. But, I do remember that it was spring, for flowers had begun to bloom on the trees."


The Swordsman had been a younger man then, and more accustomed to being called 'Katto' by his men. His company had been in this land for three years, and had gained some renown. They were a small company, and as such, were normally hired for small caravans. This day, however, they'd been hired for a large battle, with the intention that they would go amidst the chaos of the battle and take out key leaders.

Buna, being how he was, had gone to the enemy camp under the guise of a merchant, to spy upon the enemies. He, of course, had offered to cook for them. Katto never quite understood the mindset of the man, but he was good at blending in. A taste of his food, and people would accept him readily.

"Hmph. So you're the group they sent?"

Katto turned from his post on the hill.

The man he saw was far from what he'd expected. He was tall and slender, with the pale skin and silvery hair that marked him as an Eisen. Behind him walked a tall human man, with mousy-brown hair and legs that clanked, and a shorter woman, a second Eisen with her hair cut down to her shoulders. Katto nodded."...I assume you are Guilta?"

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