01 | Bam

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She walked down the hall with her books in her arms and hummed silently to herself. She ran her hand across the lockers as she approached the door. She was going to do it... She was going to enter the cafeteria for the first time in 18 months.

Her mother made her do it. Her mother made her come back to school even though she didn't want to. Her mother insisted. Maya sighed and opened the cafeteria door and walked in. Everyone went dead silent.

She just stood there awkwardly until she started singing a song to calm her down, only to herself. It was still dead silent. She sang in her head.

She looked around and saw Riley was sitting at a lunch table with Lucas. Farkle was sitting at a table with Smackle. Zay was sitting with Billy & Missy. Maya wondered why they all weren't sitting together.

Casually she raised an eyebrow and walked over to an empty table. Still everyone was silent. It made her feel to the most extreme of uncomfort. She opened up her notebook and avoided it all.

Suddenly she looked up and saw Riley standing above her before sitting down with Lucas. Maya felt sweat drip from her forehead.

"Hey," the brunette said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?"

"Just traveling a lot." Maya said, looking back down to her notebook. "I've been living with my dad."

"You lost a lot of weight," Lucas said. "Everything okay?"

"I lost weight?" She looked down. She looked back up and she nodded. "Everything is fine." She lied.

"Oh, okay." Riley said. "Just wanted to come over and say hi... I'll see you around." She stood up.

"Um, yeah." Maya nodded before looking to Lucas. She felt so bad for what she had done. He just frowned at her and looked to Riley. Maya did the same.

"Bye." Riley took Lucas's hand and they walked off, but Lucas looked back to Maya one last time with a hurt look, before looking back ahead.

Maya knew what she did to him was wrong, but she had more important things on her mind. They all included him. They all included Riley.

How was Riley going to find out she took Lucas's virginity, got herself pregnant, disappeared for over a year, and had two infants waiting at home for her that also belonged to her once best friend's current boyfriend?


How do you guys like the first chapter? I rewrote the plot just so that I'd be inspired to write more for you guys.

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