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She walked into the house and set her back pack on the kitchen table. Her mother was dancing around the living room to an old song, probably Elvis Presley or something. "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Dancing. I got the little monsters to go to sleep!" Her mom smiled. She high fived Maya and went back to dancing.

Maya smiled and walked into the nursery that was painted half blue and half pink. She smiled and stood beside the crib on the blue side. In the crib was her son...

He had tan skin and blond hair. He'd open his green eyes soon and remind Maya of Lucas like he always did. Maya smiled to herself. His name was Anthony.

She then walked over to the pink side and looked at her daughter. She had a lighter skin tone than her brother, but not much lighter. Her hair wasn't curly, but was blond. She had green eyes too, but they changed colors when she cried. Her name was Bree.

"I love you." Maya whispered to her kids before walking out of the nursery to make dinner. She sighed and turned on the stove when the doorbell rang.

She groaned and ran to the front door, ignoring the rustling from the nursery. Maya opened the door and saw Lucas standing there.

"Maya, we need to talk." Lucas said. "I know why you disappeared."

"Don't know what you're talking about." Maya said.

"Maya... You disappeared two months after we had sex. You were surprised you lost weight. You were gone for over a year. I know that you got pregnant. I'm not stupid." He said.

"You're very stupid. You didn't use protection. Yes, I had a baby. I gave it up for adoption." Maya said.

As if, on cue, a tiny scream came from the nursery. Maya rolled her eyes and walked into the nursery and put her son on her hip. Lucas followed her and his eyes grew wide. "Twins?!"

"Shut up or you'll wake her up too." Maya hissed. She looked to Anthony. "Hi."

He just looked at her and smiled, then looking to Lucas.

Lucas smiled. "Hi. I'm Lucas... And I'm your dad." He waved. He looked to Maya. "What about Riley?"

"What about Riley?" She asked. "Just don't tell her."

"I can't be with her if I'm a dad to someone else's kids." He said. "It's not right. I have to leave Riley."

Hope you enjoyed!

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