23 | Awake

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"Where am I?"

Lucas just looked at her.




"MAYA!" Lucas stood up, hands in his hair with a panicked look on his face. Maya was confused. Why was he there? He walked out without another word, and minutes later, a doctor rushed in.

"Miss Hart!" The doctor said. "You're okay!"

Maya put a hand on her head. "Yeah, I'm okay. Now somebody tell me where I am and bring me food."

"I'll go get her french fries or something." Lucas said, turning and walking out of the room.

I sighed and sat back.

It was going to be a longgggg evening.


She ran through the house frantically, waving her hands in the air. Her phone was ringing off the charts and the baby was screaming for its mother. Riley ran into Katie's room and picked her up, "Hush, hush, mother's here."

Katie silenced, looking up into her mother's eyes and snuggling into her chest. Riley smiled and walked into her bedroom, sitting on her bed and rocking Katie softly.

As the baby fell asleep, Riley stood up and walked to her phone and recalled the number that had been calling her. "Hi. My name's Riley Matthews."

She paused when the voice in the phone spoke clearly.

"Ah, yes Miss Matthews. We'd like to inform you that Maya Hart is awake and would like to see you."

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