15 | Knowing

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She sighed and got up, ready for her new day of school. She walked into the bathroom and sighed, running a hand through her hair and pulling her shirt up.

Somehow, she still missed feeling the twins in her womb. She still missed them swimming around in the water. She just loved it.

It was a cold December day and Maya was running home from school. She hadn't spoken to Lucas or Riley within the last 4 weeks.

With a green face, Maya ran into her bathroom and emptied her stomach into the toilet. She had been throwing up all week.

She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed her face was pale white. She hadn't gotten her period - it was late.

'What the hell?' She thought to herself as she grabbed her purse and looked through it. 2 days before she had bought a pregnancy test, just in case.

She took the stick in her hand and looked up. What had she done? She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to have sex with Lucas...

But the feeling of being in his arms... It made her feel like jumping into the happy water and screaming with joy. She loved helping him near her.

It was her best friend's boyfriend though. It made it even more wrong.

After taking the test, Maya set it on her dresser and walked into the kitchen as her mom walked in the house. "How ya feeling, Maya?"

"I threw up again." Maya said. Maya's mother sighed and kissed her forehead, then walking into the bedrooms.

"I bought you some new clothes." Maya's mom said. "I noticed you're gaining- AAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

"What?!" Maya screamed, running into the bedroom.

Maya's mother was holding the pregnancy test.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Maya's mother shouted, turning to Maya. Maya grabbed the pregnancy test and looked at it. She broke down into a million pieces and began to sob. She didn't want it.

She didn't want to be pregnant by Lucas. She couldn't handle it.

What had she done?

MINE ➔ Lucaya [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now