17 | Baby Minkus

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6 months later...

Riley was still continuing to grow and get deeper into her pregnancy. Lucas still thought it was his child. Maya and Lucas's relationship was going smoothly and the babies learned to take their first steps.


She cried, tears pouring from her eyes. She squeezed the hand of Farkle before the darkness put her under. She couldn't feel anything - she was finally at peace. She felt like she was in water, swimming and relaxing in the darkness. It had finally happened - she was a mother. She had given birth to a beautiful baby girl by the name of Katie Halsey Minkus.

Waking up was painful. Riley opened her eyes to the sound of shrieking and crying. She looked over and saw Lucas was rocking back and forth. He turned to Riley and sighed, "She won't stop crying."

"Give her to me." Riley said as Maya Hart walked into the room. Lucas handed Riley the baby and instantly it stopped it's wailing. Katie looked just like her mother - big brown eyes and little brown hairs scattered across her head. Riley smiled to herself as the baby wrapped it's fingers around Riley's.

That's when Farkle walked in.

Maya wrapped her arms around Lucas's and the two stepped back. Riley looked over, "Hi Farkle." She managed to get out.

"Hi Riley." He smiled. "How's Katie?"

"She's fantastic." Riley said, looking back down to her daughter. To their daughter... it even felt like the father was in the room. Katie looked over to Farkle and back to Riley, as if she knew.

"She looks like you." Farkle said, walking over and standing beside Riley.

"Nothing like me." Lucas sighed. "Are you sure I'm the father?"

Riley looked to Farkle. Farkle gave off a hopeful look to Riley. There was electricity in just one glance at them. Riley had to tell Lucas eventually - it best be now. She looked to Lucas. "It's Farkle's baby."

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