24 | Seamless

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Maya sighed and looked out the window as she sat in the cafeteria. She was going to have an actual conversation with her ex best friend. It was finally happening - Maya was going to tell her how she felt.

She looked up, her hair in her face, to see a tall brunette walking her way - Riley. Maya sighed and looked down to her notebook and drew a bird on it. Maya had always been artistic - it was her thing.

Besides being a teen mom, of course. That was Maya's other thing.

"Tired of all the troubles, they've been wasting my time..." Maya sang quietly before looking back up to see Riley sit across from her.

"Hey." Riley smiled weakly.

"Hi." Maya smiled weakly back.

"How are you feeling?" Riley asked, setting her phone on the table and then crossing her legs.

"I'm feeling okay." Maya said. "How's the baby?"

"Tiring." Riley giggled. "She's up all night and Farkle helps... But it's still a lot."

Maya nodded, smiling strongly at her for the first time in forever. "Welcome to the world of mothering."

Riley nodded, "It's work... But I love Katie. She's the best."

Maya nodded, "It's like the doctor taking out your organ and telling you to take care of it. They're a part of you..."

"They are. They're cute little things and they're work but... It's worth it to see their smile." Riley gushed. "I love seeing Katie happy. It lights up my day."

"I love seeing my kids happy too." Maya said, grinning. "It's worth everything."

Riley nodded, "When you're out of here would you like to go out to lunch?"

"Yeah..." Maya grinned. "I'd love that a lot."

Riley smiled back at Maya. Maybe they could finally put their weapons down and fix everything that went wrong.

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