16 | Birthday

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"Good morning Bree!" Maya kissed her daughter's forehead and smiled. She set her down in the high chair as the front door opened and Lucas walked in. It was Saturday - the day the twins turned a year old.

"Hey." Lucas smiled and wrapped Maya in his arms and kissed her head.

Maya loved the way she felt in his arms. She felt like someone loved her and only her for once. She kissed Lucas's forehead and smiled, "Hey."

"Happy birthday to you..." Lucas looked at Bree and began to sing. That's when cries began to fill the house. Maya walked over and picked up her baby girl and put the baby on her hip.

"Morning Anthony." Maya smiled. She rocked back and forth in an attempt to somewhat calm him down. He relaxed and Maya stopped, walking into the kitchen.

"There's my buddy." Lucas said, smiling. He looked to Maya and then looked down to Anthony, a big smile spread across his face that Maya loved so much.

It was something she looked forward to as she got older. Every day passed by and Maya just fell for Lucas harder and harder. She smiled and walked over beside Lucas. She looked up at him and he closed the space between them, pressing his lips against hers.

Of course that was the moment where Anthony smacked Lucas.

Lucas fell back a bit, looking at Anthony. Maya started hysterically laughing. She put a hand on Lucas's shoulder.

"Does he know how to crawl?" Lucas asked. Maya nodded. Lucas set Anthony on the ground and they watched as he crawled across the ground, then pulling himself up and sitting on the couch.

Lucas then wrapped his arms around Maya's waist and once again they locked lips. Maya put her arms around Lucas's neck and smiled, kissing back as her cheeks turned light pink.

They were in love.

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