13 | Love

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Charlie slammed his lips into Maya's, pinning her hands against the lockers, scaring Maya. She tensed up and couldn't even think straight. She started getting wobbly knees. She could hear Riley snickering from behind and a pair of heels walk off.

Charlie went to slide his hands under Maya's shirt when Maya got mad and kicked him off her. He got shoved back into the lockers. He growled and slapped her, shoving his hand down her shirt until something ripped him off.

Maya couldn't tell, because she fell to the ground.


He slammed Charlie into the wall and then punched him right in his face. It wasn't enough. Lucas was mad Charlie hurt Maya. He was so mad he punched Charlie again, breaking his nose and knocking him out.

He looked over and saw Maya passed out on the ground. Quickly he ran to her side and pulled her head into his lap. He shook her shoulders in a full out panic.

"Maya wake up, please wake up." He cried. Maya put her hand on her head and she groaned. She sat up and looked to Lucas.

"What happened?" She asked, still shaking. Lucas looked at her before pressing his lips softly into hers.

He pulled away and pressed his forehead against hers, "What matters is your okay now." He said.

Maya stopped shaking and sat up. She looked to Lucas, "Why'd you kiss me?"

"Because I wanted to tell you I love you, and ask if you'd be my girlfriend." He said. He was scared that she wouldn't love him back, but soon enough she pressed her lips into his and smiled.

He put his hands on her waist and kissed back with passion. To him, it felt like fireworks exploding in the sky. It felt right. It felt like the two forces were finally together and happy.

Everything in the world was perfect once again.

"Come on." Lucas stood up, "The kids are at home."

Maya took his hand and smiled. Lucas loved her smile and everything else about her. He loved her laugh, he loved her hair, he loved everything about her.

He loved her.

MINE ➔ Lucaya [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now