Chapter 2

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For the rest of the period, I did nothing but stare at the sandy blonde head in front of me. When the bell rang, he stood up swiftly, grabbed his things and was out the door before I got the chance to talk to him. I gathered my stuff and put on my slightly damp jacket. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out the door to my next class, hoping me and him would have it together.

No such luck. I sat in English as I listened (not really) to my teacher ramble on and on about something I didn't care about.

I went to 3rd, 4th, and 5th period with no luck again. It was finally 6th period, my favorite part of the day- lunch. I went to my locker and dropped all my books off, getting my lunch money in the process. Standing on the lunch line, I kept thinking about Arthur. Somehow he wormed his way into my thoughts, even when I was thinking about something completely unrelated. After I payed for my food, I was walking to my usual spot where I sat alone, but stopped when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A green-eyed blonde guy sitting alone, eating his lunch. My heart skipped a beat and the corners of my mouth turned up into a little smile. I started walking and when I was at his table, I sat my tray down and helped myself to the seat across from him. I took a deep breath and said the most casual thing I could think of.


I breathed out as he stopped eating and set his fork down. He looked up slowly until his glowing green orbs met my blue ones. He looked at me with a questioning look and cocked his head to the side. Adorable.

"Uh, hi?"

He responded, his voice had a hint of that "what do you want?" kind of thing in it. I smiled the brightest smile I could and stuck out my hand.

"I'm Alfred. Welcome to Seattle High!"

I said, sounded way too happy. He slowly put his hand into mine and gave it a firm shake. When he touched my hand, I could have sworn I felt shock waves of electricity go through my body.

"Th-Thanks. I'm Arthur."

He said, his British voice shaking a bit. He let go of my hand and went back to eating his food. I watched him carefully. He noticed and looked back up, confused.

"Why are you still here and why are you watching me?"

I was taken back a little by his comment. I tried to find a reasonable explanation for my staring. My heart was beating out of my chest. Why do I feel this way?

"I-I uhh, I..."

I stuttered, unsure of what to say. He raised a bushy eyebrow, the one with the piercing, as if telling me to get on with it. I finally found the most causal response I could think of.

"I just wanted to make sure that everything is going okay!"

I said, raking my hand through my blonde hair, avoiding my cowlick for the second time. I let out a shaky laugh. He sighed and put down his fork again.

"Look, I know what you're trying to do, but no thanks. I'm not the one to make friends, nor have I ever made a friend. So now if you'll excuse me, I'd prefer to be alone now."

He stood up and started to walk over to the trash to throw his food away, when all of a sudden he was tripped. Everything started to happen in slow motion. He fell backwards and his food spilled everywhere. I watched as his head hit the ground... hard. The whole cafeteria went silent, then erupted in laughter. He sat up and rubbed his head, groaning in pain. I looked to his left to see the three baddest boys in school- Francis, Gilbert, and Toni- walking away from him, pointing and laughing. They were making distorted faces and reenacting the scene.

God, I hated them.

I was on the floor next to the brit in less then a second, offering him my arm to help him up. He swatted my arm away and gave me a glare. He stood and grabbed his things, some pieces of food falling off of him.

"I don't need your fucking help, you bloody git."

As he hung his head down and started walking, I could have sworn I saw a single tear drop out of his eye. I watched him storm out of the cafeteria, wondering to myself what I would do next.

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