Chapter 7

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After we broke apart our hug, Arthur asked me a question.

"Can you stay here for the night, please?"

I gazed into his green orbs and smiled, brushing some of his hair out of his face.

"Of course I will."

He smiled at this, and pulled his sleeves down again. I took both of our hands and intertwined our fingers.

"You don't have to hide anything from me anymore, ya know."

I leaned my forehead against his.



"I love you."

Did he just say what I think he said? Yeah, he totally did. This was all it took for me to realize that I am in fact gay. I could practically see the rainbow, taste the rainbow and smell the rainbow.

"I love you too. I promise I will do anything I can to help you. Anything."

He hugged me again and smiled into my chest.

// Time skip brought to you by Germany's sausages. Not that kind you dirty minded person. \\

I was on the phone and having a conversation with my mother.

"You're not allowed to sleep in his room, you know that right?" She said with a stern tone. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I know mom. I'm staying in the guest room."

"Good boy. I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, love ya too."

I hung up the phone and made my way to Arthur's bedroom. When I walked in he was changing his hoodie. I stared at his toned chest, which was lined with more scars. He noticed and covered himself up, embarrassed.

"Could you turn around please?"

He asked me in a nervous and shaky tone. When I didn't do what he asked, he did it himself. I laughed and walked up to him, slipping my arms around his waist. He squirmed a bit but eventually put his arms on mine, holding me in place. Even though his skin was warm, his touch sent chills through my body. I lightly kissed his shoulder.

"As I told you before, you don't have to hide yourself from me Artie." He made a little 'hmph' sound after my sentence before turning around and facing me, giving me a tight hug but saying nothing. He pulled away moments later.

"I'm really tired, I'm going to bed." He muttered, a faint blush on his cheeks. He ran to his stereo and turned his music on and jumped into bed, pulling the covers over him. I take off my pants revealing my American flag boxers. I keep my t-shirt on and slid under the covers next to him. He opens his green eyes and widens then a little.

"Um, what are you doing?"

He was confused, but at the same time he was also a blushing mess. It was adorable.

"What, you don't want me to stay in here with you?" I searched for his hand under the blanket, and finally found it. I wove my fingers in his and brought up his hand so I could give it a kiss. He blushed some more and played with my fingers that were woven in his.

"I never said that." He smiled a tiny smile. He let go of my hand and brought the covers up towards my face, making sure I was warm and comfortable. He left his arm around me, making me even warmer. I pulled him close, one of my arms stroking his hair and the other wrapped protectively around his waist. He snuggled into my chest. As a one song finished, another song came on that I loved. I began humming along to it, earning a smile from Arthur. I loved that smile so much. I hummed and hummed until he was sound asleep. His breaths were slow and steady. I kissed his nose.

"Sweet dreams, Artie." I rested my chin on his head and fell asleep.

// Time skip brought to you by Hello Kitty. China's favorite. \\

I slept soundly for a solid eight hours. I awoke to streaks of light coming in through the blinds. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. My limbs were tangled with Arthurs. His leg was wrapped around my waist and his arm was cradling my head. I looked at him. He was so handsome, even when he was sleeping. His blonde hair was messed up and in front of his eyes. I brushed it away. His mouth was slightly open and he was breathing heavily. I removed an arm from his shoulder and pinched his cheek. I started to rock it back and forth until he woke up. He swatted my hand away.

"Can you not?"

He was about to move, but he realized the position in and stayed, only moving his arms to rub his eyes. I gave him a nose boop and rolled (gracefully) out of the bed, landing on the floor with a 'thud.' He followed my lead, doing the same thing, but landing on top of me, his hands on the floor on either side of my head. I started to laugh, but he cut me off with a quick kiss on the lips.

"Let's get breakfast, love. I'm starving." He said as he got off of me and extended an arm out to help me up. For breakfast, we decided to make pancakes. His mom and dad were out at work. Apparently when his parents are gone he likes to turn on his music at full blast and dance around his house and pretend to play the guitar solos, which he could actually play.

Arthur let me make the batter, since he told me he wasn't a very good cook. If only Matthew was here right now. He loves to make pancakes. Maybe I'll bring some home for him and Gilbert, if he's even there. Before I got to work, Arthur made sure to turn up the music, and in no time, I was singing (screaming) along.


Arthur got on top of the island and started to dance while singing into a spatula. He had an amazing voice, even if it was just him screaming the lyrics. I held the bowl and spun around the room, mixing it at the same time. I motioned for Arthur to come over to the griddle to pour the pancakes in. He did it while he did a swaying motion with his hips. When he was done he grabbed me by my neck and started spinning me around as a new song came on. We danced and sang for what seemed like forever, until we smelled something burning. Shit, we forgot about the pancakes. He let go of me and ran over to the griddle.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He muttered as he tried to save the tarnished pancakes. It was no use, they were already hockey pucks. He grabbed the remote and turned the music down.

"I always screw everything up." He put his head in his hands and leaned his elbows on the counter. I sighed as I threw the pancakes in the trash.

"No Artie, its my fault. I should have been keeping track of time." I said as I started a new batch. After I finished cooking them, we sat down and ate. He lit a candle in front of us, and leaned on me as he stuffed pancakes in his mouth. When we finished, we changed and he got some things ready to go to my house. We walked down the road together, our arms linked, but I separated them when my house came into view. We walked up the porch and before I entered my house I reminded Arthur about something.

"Remember, no gay stuff."

He chuckled and gave my ass a little smack. My face turned a dark crimson.

"Don't worry, love."

I took a deep breath and opened the door.


NYEHEHEHEH CLIFFHANGER >:D I'm so evil. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was busy writing a Spamano one-shot which I published last night (WHICH YOU SHOULD TOTALLY READ) So to make it up to you, I made this chapter all fluff. Hehe, but the next chapter will be all feels.

amanda~chan XD

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