Chapter 15 - Final

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A/N- Hi guys! I don't remember if I said in the last chapter but I published my GerIta one-shot and my GiriPan smut if you want to go check those out ohonhonhonhon ;)

The sun was shining through the window and I rubbed my eyes and yawned. A sleeping Arthur came into focus. I gazed at him dreamily. He was so perfect in every way possible. I suddenly realized that our hips were pressed together, and we weren't wearing any clothes. A blush crept up on my cheeks as the memories from last night flooded back into my mind. I immediately got out pf the bed, our skin to skin contact already turning me on. I grabbed mine and Arthur's clothes we had discarded into a pile last night. I quickly slipped my clothes on before throwing Arthur's at him. He stirred but didn't wake. I jumped on the bed, making him kick my feet out under me so I slipped and fell on the floor.

"Sorry love."

He started to move but his face quickly contorted into pain. He reached a hand down to his lower abdomen.

"Holy shit..."

He groaned as he laid back down, not daring to move again. I got up and sat on the bed with him. I took his hand and rubbed tiny circles on it with my thumb.

"No round two then?"

He hand out of mine and playfully slapped my arm. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Oi, go easy next time."

I giggled at this and bent towards his face.

"No promises."

I kissed his forehead before pulling out my phone and checking my texts and notifications. Nothing really that interesting, as always.

"What do you wanna do today?"

I asked, giving him a comforting smile. He didn't return a smile back. Instead, he frowned.

"I have to pack..."

He muttered with sad eyes.

"Oh, right. Yo, dude, guess what."

Arthur plastered a curious expression on his face. He cocked his head to the side as well.


I got off the bed and walked over to my duffel bag, searching through it frantically. It wasn't there so I decided to check my backpack. It was also not in there. I started to panic and checked the last place it would be. My fingers slipped into the pocket of my jacket laying in a heap on the floor. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as my fingertips brushed against my my gateway to happiness. I pulled it out and made my way back over to Arthur, who I could tell desperately wanted to know what was in my hand. I held it out to him, he reached his hand out to take it but I jerked my arm back, teasing him. My lips turned up into a smirk as his he squinted at me, annoyed. He suddenly lunged forward and tried to tackle me. I laughed and moved out of the way, dodging him. And at that moment I wish I hadn't He lost his balance and fell off his bed. On his way to the floor, his bad arm hit the bed frame. The impact made 5 out of 11 of his stitches break and the wound started to open up. The blood instantly started pouring out of the cut, making both Arthur and I relive that day. He held his arm in shock, staring at the blood that started to pool on the floor of his bedroom.


I screamed, running over to Arthur and pressing my hands over the gash. He snapped out of his trance and pressed his other hand over mine, also trying to stop the blood coming out. His green eyes held fear. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland burst through the door and ran over to us.

"Oh my."

Mrs. Kirkland breathed. She shook her head.

"Help him to the bathroom."

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