Chapter 10

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We continued laughing until we heard a door open and then shut. A few seconds later Arthur's mom yelled up to him.

"Honey, we're home!"

And by 'we're' she must have meant her and Arthur's father, who I haven't exactly met yet. We fell into silence and I glanced at him with fear. What was he going to tell his parents?

"Uhh, do they know I'm here?"

"No, but I'll explain it to them. I'm sure they'll understand. C'mon, I'll introduce you to my dad."

He slung an arm around me shoulders, helping me walk carefully down the stairs. I was walking better this time, since the pain seemed to subside. We were greeted by a warm smile from his mom and a questioning look from his dad.

"Oh, hello Alfred! I didn't know you were he-"

She gasped and covered her mouth as I stepped into the light. She ran up to me and checked out my injuries.

"My Lord Alfred, what happened to you?! Arthur take him over to the couch."

He followed her orders and assisted me to the couch. Arthur sat down next to me and laced our fingers together. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland sat down on the other part of the couch and faced us. There was little bit of silence until Arthur projected his voice.

"Um, dad, this is Alfred Jones. We go to school together."

Apperently he didn't realize that we were still holding hands, but his dad definitely noticed. Before he spoke, I took my time to study his features. He had the same blonde hair and green eyes as Arthur. His eyebrows were also a lot thinner. His dad smiled.

"And he's your boyfriend, right?"

Arthur pulled his hand out of mine and his face began to redden. He said nothing.

"Ah, so he is."

He smiled even bigger and walked over to shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Alfred Jones. Welcome to the family."

I blushed madly at his last sentence.

"You too. And th-thanks."

Mrs. Kirkland piped up.

"Alfred, would you mind telling us what happened to your face?"

My blush faded and my face went pale. I had no adult I could trust right now, and that was bad. I needed to find at least one adult I could rely on, and I had no objection to have faith in my boyfriend's parents. I really hoped I could trust them. Arthur put his hand back in mine and nodded. I took a deep breath and started to explain everything.

After my explanation, Mrs Kirkland started to cry and her husband wrapped an arm around her and stroked her shoulder to comfort her. She came over and gave me a big hug, trying to hide the pain when she squeezed me.

"You're safe here, and you can stay as long as you want. We won't judge you."

I hugged her back, my mind filling with relief. She pulled away moments later and sniffed.

"Now, who wants pizza?"

She ran off to the phone, and called Giacomo's. I didn't even notice Mr. Kirkland come up behind me and place a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and he flashed me a huge smile.

"You look like a good kid. Take of Artie for me, alright?"

"Of course sir."

"Ah, don't be so formal. Call me Mr. Kirkland."

"Of course Mr. Kirkland."

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