Chapter 4

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I couldn't get him out of my head for the rest of week. He talked to me a bit in class and was his usual grumpy self. Every day I looked for him in the cafeteria but he was never there. Well, until Friday, that was. I saw him in the spot he he sat in before, when he was tripped by the bad touch trio. I walked over to where he was and sat down in front of him.

"Hey dude!"

I practically yelled, making him wince a little.

"Hi!" He said in a in a stern tone, mimicking my yelling. He looked down as everyone turned their heads to him. They were only used to me doing the yelling. After a few seconds everyone resumed what they were doing. I tapped lightly on an embarrassed Arthur.

"Dude, its ok, you can look up now."

I said giving him a little smirk. He looked up a little so my eyes could meet his, but then quickly looked down again.

"I don't like attention."

He mumbled. It was barely audible that I had to lean in closer to hear. I rolled my eyes playfully and started talking.

"So whats the real reason you invited me over huh? I thought you didn't like humans."

After I finished my sentence, I got out my lunch and stuffed my face with my burger. He looked up again, but this time he stayed up.

"Wh-what do you mean, real reason?"

He stuttered and raked a hand through his hair. He was so cute. I finished chewing and took a sip of my milkshake that I also brought with me.

"Like, why did you invite me over? It's obviously not because of the book thing because, lets get this straight, thats way too polite of you, considering-"

I gestured to him in general.

"-yourself. So what is this, like a date or something?"

Of course I was joking (but hoping he would say yes) but he didn't seem to think so, because he smacked my arm, hard. I immediately brought up my other arm and started rubbing it.

"Y-You wanker! Thats really rude and really offensive. AND NO, ITS NOT A-"

He paused because he realized everyone was staring again. He lowered his voice and spoke again.

"Look, its not a fucking date,"

He sighed and I raised my eyebrows at his choice of words.

"I told my mom I made a friend and she laughed and didn't believe me, so i told her that I would prove it. And now here you are." He stared into my blue eyes. I let out a loud and hearty laugh and gave him a big smile.

"So this means we're friends now?"

I asked, full of hope.

"No, it just means that, uhh, I-I... ugh. Never mind. I'm done with this conversation." He said as I followed his response with a laugh.

// Time skip brought to you by France's hair. So soft. \\

I followed the directions on my phone to get to Arthur's house. As I walked into his neighborhood I realized how close he lived to me. After a few more minutes of walking, I finally turned into his driveway. I stopped and stared at his house. It was decent sized, and a bit bigger than mine. It also had a Victorian style to it. I shook my head and continued to walk up to the front porch. I took a deep breath and knocked 4 times. (A/N reference, anyone?) I heard some shuffling from inside and someone twisting the lock of the door. The door swung open and Arthur stood in the doorway. Today he was wearing a dark gray Nirvana hoodie and another pair of black skinny jeans, which were ripped up everywhere. His blonde hair was a mop on top of his head, which made him look even cuter than he already was. He had his lip ring out, so I could see where the piercing was. He still had the same eyebrow piercing in though. On his feet he wore black socks with a white stripe going across them. He wasn't in that outfit in school, so he must have changed when he got home. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it when I heard someone who must've been his mom, call from the inside of the house.

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