Chapter 11

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I led Arthur down the hall to the bathroom. I could hear his parents talking in the living room. I pulled him into the bathroom and locked the door, turning on the light.

"Alfred, what did you want to show me?"

His green yet red and puffy eyes were swimming with curiosity. I patted his head.

"Take your shirt off."


"Trust me. Take your shirt off and look in the mirror."


He hesitantly lifted his Fall Out Boy sweater off his torso. His chest was littered with scars, more so than his arms. He still had some cuts trying to heal. He turned his body around and looked in the mirror, then looked away, embarrassed by his own body. I sighed and moved behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on top of his.

"Arthur, look at yourself."

His eyes switched back to his reflection. He winced.

"This is you, Arthur."

"Yeah, whats the point?"

I let out a sigh and kissed the top if his head before continuing.

"Look at yourself very closely. Every tiny thing you pick out is something that I love you for. I love your hair,"

I reached and arm up and started stroking his sandy blonde locks. He blushed but continued to hold his gaze in the mirror.

"I love it when you blush and when you get all flustered,"

I smiled when I saw his face turn redder.

"I love your voice,"

His British accent made me go crazy. He laughed a bit as his lips turned into a small smile.

"I love your laugh,"

He leaned back against my chest and snuggled into my arms. I had to make him know he was loved.

"I love your bushy eyebrows and your piercings,"

I leaned down and kissed his shoulder. I felt him shiver beneath me.

"I love your beautiful green eyes,"

Ad if on cue, tears started to form in them once more.

"I love your scars,"

His face finally reached a deep red color. I traced some of the white lines across his torso with my index finger. He started fidgeting but I held him in place.

"And I love your freaking amazing guitar skills and your lovely voice. All these things and more are what I love you for. For me, could you learn to love yourself? To me, you are perfect."

Arthur broke down and turned around, giving me a big bear hug. He cried into my shirt and I let him, cradling his frail figure in my arms.

"Th-thank you for that Alfie. I promise I won't hurt myself again."

I smiled and tilted his chin upwards. I connected our lips in a swift motion. He kissed me back with the right amount of firm and passion. He drew back, inhaling deeply.

"I want to flush my blades."

My eyes widened at his words.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and spoke again,

"I don't want you to feel pain, and if this hurts you, I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't get hurt again. I promise."

He gazed at me, his face serious. I pulled him into another hug before letting him go get his razors and whatever he used to self harm with. He came back minutes later with a small bucket of sharp objects. He set it down on the counter, wiped his eyes and grabbed his shirt from the floor, proceeding to slip it over his head. He held his hand out.

"Hold my hand?"

"You don't ever have to ask, ya know."

I smiled at him and put my hand in his, boosting his confidence. He took a deep breath and dumped the bucket of razors into the toilet. I watched as blades of all different shapes and sizes fell into the water, sinking to the bottom. Arthur threw the bucket behind us. It hit the wall and clattered to the floor, making a loud noise. He reached for the flush handle without any hesitation and immediately tugged it down. We watched as the swirling water took the shining metal down into the pipes, never to be seen again. Arthur leaned in closer to me.

"So long, past."

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