Chapter 5

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The rest of the night we played video games and talked and ate pizza. He could actually be really funny and kind when he wanted to. I looked at my phone and saw that to it was was almost 8 o'clock. I had to be home soon.

"Sorry dude, I gotta leave now, I had fun."

I said standing up and putting my jacket on. I turned off the controller and he did the same. He let out a loud sigh and fell back onto his bed.

"A shame. I actually was having fun for once in my life... Thanks."

He turned so I could see his gorgeous green eyes, and gave me a soft smile.

"Hey, no problem man. Thank YOU for inviting me over. I had a blast."

We stared into each others eyes for a couple of seconds, but I looked away, blushing. He enjoyed my company, thats a start. He got up and grabbed my wrist again.

"C'mon, I'll walk you out."

He dragged me out of his room and down the stairs. His mom got up from an L-shaped couch she was sitting on and walked over to us.

"Oh, Alfred I hate to say this, but you can't go anywhere right now. It would be dangerous."

Arthur and I looked at each other, and then back to Mrs. Kirkland, bewildered.

"You mean you haven't seen the snow?"

My mouth dropped open in shock. But we live in Seattle! We hardly ever get snow, we mostly get rain. As if our brains were working in unison, Arthur and I bolted for the front door to see if it was true. We nearly trampled each other trying to get to the door, but we finally managed to get it open. And to my eyes, it was true. There was at least two feet of snow on the ground, and you couldn't see six feet in front of you. The wind started blowing snow into the foyer, and the chill was frigid.

"Close the God damn door!"

(A/N another reference XD sorry) Arthur yelled as he pushed me out of the way and slammed the door shut. He proceeded to lock it and he pressed his back against it when he was done.

He motioned for me to come with him as he sat down on the couch.

"Again Alfred, I'm really sorry, but you have to stay the night here. I can't let you walk home in this, and all the roads are closed, so your mom can't come and get you. I hope you don't mind. We have a guest room you can stay in."

She gave me a sweet smile. I was really excited, so I gave her a sweet smile back.

"It's no problem Mrs. Kirkland! The only thing is I don't have any clothes..."

I hoped she would suggest that Arthur could lend me some of his.

"Oh Arthur will give you some, won't you love."

I looked at him, he was a few centimeters closer to me on the couch then he was before. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

I smiled at him and blushed. He looked away, also blushing. This is going to be interesting.

// Time skip brought to you by Japan's manga collection. So kawaii. \\

I shut off my phone and ripped my earbuds out of my ears, throwing them both across the room. It was two in the morning and I decided to watch a horror movie. I'm trying to get over my fear of them but nothing seemed to work. The heavy snow falling outside and the street lamp cast eerie moving shadows along the walls of the bedroom. I got up and drew the curtains shut as quickly as I could and hopped into the bed.

Now it was too dark. I hated the dark. I got out of bed I grabbed the union jack blanket Arthur let me borrow and draped it around me like a cape. I went to the door and opened it, peeking my head into the hall. Everyone was asleep, and the only sounds audible were the wind outside and the faint sound of Arthur's music from his radio.
I crept down the hall, careful to not make a sound. I stopped at Arthurs door. It was cracked a little so I pushed it open even more. I saw his sleeping figure on his bed, curled up and cuddling a black body pillow. A smile tugged at my lips. For a bad-ass guy like him, he sure did have a soft side.

I let myself into the room and tapped him.

"Artie, wake up."

No response. He must be a heavy sleeper. I shook him more. He opened his a little and let out a gasp and he threw his pillow at me. He sat up, wearing a different hoodie and flannel pants. I tried to dodge the pillow, but it hit me in the face, knocking me to the ground.

"You wanker! What the hell are you doing here at what is it... two in the morning?!"

He scream-whispered. His angry phases only made me like him more.

"I watched a scary movie and now I'm uh, kinda scared so, can I stay in here with you?"

His face became more sympathetic instead of angry. He shook his head.

"You know none of thats real right?"

"Yeah, but it always finds a way to get to me."

He stood and walked to his closet, pulling out a gray plaid sleeping bag. He unrolled it and set it on the ground. As he walked to his bed, he gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder and plopped back down on his bed, instantly falling asleep.

"Goodnight Artie."

I said before I got into the sleeping and fell soundly asleep.

I slept for a few more hours until I felt something heavy push down on my chest. I instantly opened my eyes and saw that Arthur had fallen out of his bed, and was surprisingly still asleep. He landed with his face and body against my chest and one hand on my shoulder. I smiled and blushed wildly as I tilted my head to see the time. It was 4:47.

Flicked his ear and then his nose to check if he was awake, which he wasn't I leaned my head forward and did something I thought I would never do in a long time. I pressed my lips to his soft blonde locks. I got kind of scared when he started to stir a little, but still remained in the same position. I leaned my head back and set my hand on his waist, drifting into a dream-filled sleep.

// Another time skip brought to you by Italy's pasta. So yummy. \\

I awoke to screaming.


Arthur screamed as he shoved me aside. He did an impressive ninja roll and stood up, his face as read as a tomato.

"Uh, you kinda fell, and I didn't want to wake you."

I'm pretty sure my face was now the same shade as his. He crossed his arms and looked away, making a 'humph' noise in the process.

"Whatever. I'm starving, lets get breakfast."

He said as he offered me his hand. I gladly took it and he helped me off up the floor. His union jack blanket fell from my shoulders, revealing my white tank top- which exposed my muscles- and my green flannel pants, which he let me borrow.

"Yeah, me too."

We exchanged smiles and headed to the stairs, walking together like the perfect pair.


sorry for the bad ending, i'll make it up to you, I promise :P

~amanda-chan ^-^

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