Chapter 3

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The rest of the week dragged on. Arthur didn't talk to me at all. One time in the hall, I gave him a little smile, hoping he would return it. Instead he hung his head down, a tiny blush creeping up on his cheeks, and walked away. I smiled even more, and my heart fluttered. Is it possible that I could... like him? I quickly shook the thought from my head. No, I wasn't gay. I will never be. I was raised to hate gays. My mom is extremely homophobic. She would literally kill me if i told her I was gay, which I was questioning right now. I knew my little brother, Matthew, was gay and he was dating that Gilbert guy. I didn't like that albino one bit, but if my brother is happy, then I'm happy. I promised him to keep it a secret from our mother. Our father left my mom for another man, thats why she hates homosexuals so much. I sighed at the thought and kept walking down the east hall.

Someone in a hurry bumped into me and knocked my books out of my
hands. I bent down and started to pick them up, not looking at who I ran into.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." I said in a soft tone.

The person also bent down to help.

"No no no, it was my fault, love. I shouldn't have been running and-"

We both glanced up and looked at each other, my eyes wide while his bushy eyebrows were raised. He looked back down, his face flustered, and began picking up the rest of my books. I stood and watched him as he shoved my books into my arms and picked up his guitar.

"Sorry again."

He mumbled and pushed past me, fading into the crowd. I felt my face heat up and I let out a low chuckle as I continued to walk down the halls.

//Time skip brought to you by England's scones, nasty af\\

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I rolled onto my side and checked my alarm clock. It read 6:03. I groaned as my phone started to ring, and I reached over to grab it and looked at the number, which was unknown. I decided on whether or not to answer it. Why not?

I sat up on my elbows and slid the answer thing across the screen.

"Yo." I said, trying to sound smug.

The person on the other end spoke.

"Uh, is this Alfred?"

My eyes widened at the british accent, and I immediately knew who it was. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears now.

"Yeah... This is Arthur right? How the hell did you get my number?!" I questioned.

"I have my ways." He replied like it was nothing.


"So, um, sorry about today, with the whole knocking the books out of your hands thing."

"Nah dude, don't worry about it! It was nothing." I said, actually meaning what came out of my mouth.

"Well, I want to make it up to you. And also the whole me being a bitch at lunch the other day."

Make it up to me? How? It was such a little too... he didn't have to do anything,

"What do you mean?"

"Come over on Friday. I'll order you a pizza."

My heart leapt and I jumped up on my bed.

"Really?! *Cough* I mean uh sounds good. I'll be there at 5." I told him, carefully covering up my joy.

"Yeah, uh, bye." He said and quickly hung up before I got the chance to say my goodbye. I jumped off my bed and started doing a happy dance around my messy room. I know, I know, it's not a date but it'll do. I now know that I have feelings for him, but I'm still questioning if I'm completely gay. I don't even care right now, I'm too happy. I plop back down on my bed and let out a (manly) giggle. I turned on my side and cuddled up my pillow, falling asleep at only 6:37.

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