Chapter 12

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Some months had passed, and Arthur had been good about not self-harming. I helped him out the best I could. I was still living with him and his parents, and I felt like me and Arthur were married yet still living with his parents. Yikes. It was a sunny April morning, Tuesday to be exact. Matthew, Gilbert, Arthur and I met up at corner café before heading to school. Gilbert slung an arm around my brother, pulling him closet. He leaned down and gave Matthew a quick kiss. My brother turned his violet eyes away from from Gilbert's red ones, blushing madly. I laughed and Gilbert shot me a glare. I stuck my tongue out at him, a smirk playing my lips. I linked my arm in Arthur's and glanced down at him. He looked straight ahead, not interested in what was going on. I nudged him a bit and gave him a look that said 'whats wrong?' He shook his head and gave me a small smile before tightening his arm around mine.

A straight couple walked past the four of us, and they were obviously homophobic.


The man said in between fake coughs. The woman shot us an evil glare. The four of us flipped them off on sync. This earned a few 'whoops' from some LGBTQ+ supporters.

Gilbert laughed.


// Time skip brought to you by Gilbird. Fluffy freakin' feathers. \\

It was sixth period. Lunch time. I smiled and grabbed my food from my locker. I met up with Mattie and we walked to the cafeteria together. Gilbert was saving us our usual seats. He never sits with Toni or Francis anymore, he dedicated himself to Matthew instead. We sat down together just as the bell rang. After a few minutes, i looked all around the cafeteria for Arthur, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

"Are you looking for Arthur?"

Matthew piped up.

"Yeah, do you know where he is?"

"I thought you knew..."

"Knew what?"

"He left school a few minutes ago."


"I don't know, he said something about taking care of a problem."

Me and Gilbert stared at him, dumbfounded. Problem? What proble-

Oh my fucking God. He wouldn't. I threw my burger on the table and started running through the cafeteria.

"Wait, where are you going?!"

Matthew yelled after me. I didn't answer. I ran down the hall and pushed my way out the doors. The semi-warm wind blew in my face as I ran as fast as I could back to Arthur's place. My feet pounded the pavement, echoing around me and filling the silence in the air. My lungs were heaving and I desperately needed air. I ran and ran till I finally ran up the front porch and slammed into the front door. I reached for the doorknob and tried it. With my luck, it was open.


My voice sounded through the silent house. I ran up the stairs, taking them two, and sometimes three at a time. I sprinted down the hall, stopping at his bedroom door. I tried the handle. Locked.


No response. Panic took over me.


Thats exactly what I did. I kicked it down, the wooden doorframe splintering. My eyes fell on my lover on his bed, knife in hand, and laying in a pool of his own blood with an empty bottle of pills next to him. There was a deep- and I mean really deep -vertical gash on his right forearm. I ran over to him, sobbing my eyes out, and checked his pulse. Barely there.

I took my shirt off and pressed it against his wound. I took a rubber band from his dest and tied it around his arm, trying to cut off the blood flow. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"M-my boyfriend just tried to kill himself!"

I choked back a sob.

"Is he still alive?"

"He has a f-faint pulse."

"What is the adress? I'll send an ambulance right away."

I told her the adress and hung up, throwing my phone across the room. I pressed my blood-soaked shirt down harder.

"You fucking idiot, what were you thinking? I love you! Is that not good enough for you?!"

My sentences came out raspy and hoarse. The sound of nearing sirens filled the house moments later.

"Don't die. Please. I want to stay here with you forever. I just want to see your beautiful smile again. I want to live happily ever after with you. Just please, do it for me. Live for me."

I sobbed into his arm as the police and paramedics came into his room, dragging me off of my lover. I kicked and screamed and fought. For my life and Arthur's. I remembered what I had sad to him months earlier...

If you go, I go too.

If Arthur died, I was fully prepared to fulfill that promise.

I watched in horror as they wrapped an oxygen mask around Arthur's face and lift him onto a stretcher. I kicked and screamed even more. The policemen held my down on the floor with incredible strength.

"Sir, calm down."


I squirmed even more, and before I knew it, a needle was being inserted into my body. I gasped.

"Arthur... I-I... love... you..."

I said my final words as I watched him be carried out of the room on the stretcher. My body slowly began to numb itself before darkness engulfed my vision.

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