Chapter 13

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes fluttered open as I awoke to the steady annoying sounds of a heart monitor machine. I looked at my surroundings and my eyes fell on a body in a hospital bed. My breathing grew heavy as I realized who it was. I tried to move, tried to stand up. I glanced down to see that I was in a restraint chair. I groaned rather loudly. The noise attracted a nurse in. She was rather short, with shoulder length brown hair and stormy gray eyes.

"Ah, you're awake. Sorry, but we had to restrain you. We let you stay in here with your..."

She checked her clipboard for information. She smiled.

"Boyfriend. He lost a lot of blood, so he's in critical condition. Ge had to get his stomach pumped due to the number of pills he took. We also had to put him in surgery. The pills caused him to bleed internally. We can't let you touch him just yet, until we know he is in stable condition."

Tears started to roll down my face. I struggled more in my restraints. The nurse hugged her clipboard.

"W-will he be okay?"

The nurse sighed and looked at me with sad eyes.

"We have no way of knowing yet. I'm sorry. Here, this is the best I can do for you."

She walked behind my chair and pushed it forward towards the bed. I took in the scene. Arthur lay unmoving, an oxygen mask over his face, stitches on his cut, IV tubes entered his body, as did different tubes. I started to weep. I couldn't bear the sight.

"Could you leave us alone for a minute? You can come back in a few."

She nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her. I let my tears roll out even faster now. I tried my restraints again. Nothing. My wrists and ankles were becoming raw.

"Damn you, Arthur. I thought you were happy. I don't care anymore, if you live, I live, if you die, I die. It's all up to you. I want to be with you forever. If I ever did anything to hurt you, I'm so sorry. I love you so much. Your parents love you. Matthew loves you, hell, even Gil probably loves you."

I paused and lowered my voice to a whisper.

"Truth is, I'm scared. I'm really, really scared. I'm scared to die. I don't wanna die and I don't want you to die. But if you do, I gotta do what I gotta do."

As if on cue, Arthur's heart monitor...



Sorry this is really short. Okay, I'm officially the spawn of the devil. THIS IS THE EVILEST CLIFFHANGER IN THE WORLD IM SORRY! The book is almost over :( I think I'm going to end it on chapter 15. I got a new laptop yesterday and I'm so excited XD I hope everyone had a fabulous valentines day! KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR A GIRIPAN LEMON AND A GERITA ONE SHOT!!! I might update later but I have no clue. Maybe. I don't know.

-amanda~chan ^-^

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