To you

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Here's a little bad motivation speech, i personally can not write for shit. Can't even be motivational if my life depended on it. But i'll try. And maybe don't skip this, I know what you're thinking. "Ugh another person telling me it gets better and I'm beautiful." Well no, I'm not gonna annoy you with that bullshit.

Yes, bullshit. I'm going to be honest, I don't know you guys personally, i don't even know most of your names. I'm not gonna lie and say "you're beautiful" even though I've never seen you before in my life, and even if I did, how is that suppose to make you feel better? Are they saying that beauty is the only thing that should keep you going? That you being beautiful should make you not want to hurt yourself? No, here's what I have to say. Life, the world and this galaxy, is crazy. Random. Weird. Things will happen and God, the force, the universe, the messiah or whatever you believe in has a plan, and it really isn't over.

You are going to go through a lot, but it will be worth it. You're future self is looking back at these days and is having an amazing feeling of the ability that they over came that. But here's the thing, it's not all up to them. It's you. I have been through a lot, more than you can know, and I've learned that I have to make it better. No one else will. Sitting there crying and complaining won't do anything. You get what you work for not what you wish for. You, yourself must get up and start your path.

Do things that make you happy. If people judge you, who cares. Are assholes really worth your time? Do you really care what some irrelevant ass people think. Ignore them. Their opinions don't matter. They're not important. People like that don't deserve any moments in your mind. So, please stay strong, for your own sake.

You can do so many things with your life. So many. I know this sounds really cheesy but no one really knows how life's gonna go.

Don't give up. Plain as that. You're going to help people. You're gonna change people and god knows what. You may have already done it and not noticed. In any small way.

A chain of events that YOU started could have lead to a marriage, friend ship, relationship, a missed accident, a miracle or a saved life. Just Think about it.

Don't waste time hating people, don't waste time thinking and listing all the bad things in life. Don't. Positivity is key and it's the reason why so many people are still alive today.

Many celebrities and role models and amazing people in general over came depression or self harm and they are doing pretty god damn well.

Do things you love, whatever you love. (As long as it isn't hurting anyone like you or anyone else) Whatever you want. Maybe find things you might like if you're not too fond of something now. Here's the thing, if you're not "good" at it, still to do it if you love it. Who really cares? You don't have to be good to enjoy it.

This whole chapter was pretty random, very badly written and probably had a lot of typos but I hope it helped someone. At least a little bit.

Thank you for your time.

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