Chapter 11

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"No, the water goes before the noodles," I argue, placing my hands on my hips. Oli groans, picking up the raw noodles with his bare hands. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I scream, causing him to jump and drop all the noodles on the floor.


"You didn't even wash your hands!" He scowls at me before kneeling down and picking the noodles up.

"Now look what you did."

"At least I washed my hands!" He throws it away and runs a hand through his hair. I realize how much stress I put him through and sigh, giggling a little. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What's so funny?"

"You're cute when you're frustrated," I laugh. He was surprised at first, but then smiled at me. Hell, even I was surprised I said that. I mean, yeah Oli's attractive, but never in a million years would I ever say that to his face.

"You're pretty cute yourself," he teases, pinching my cheeks. I smack his hand away, making him laugh. "But what about dinner?"

"Let's just make cereal," I suggest. "Or can you screw that up, too?"

"I don't know, man... I sometimes get confused whether to put the milk first or the cereal," he jokes, nudging me in the side lightly. I laugh and nudge him back, taking out two bowls and all of the boxes of cereal Austin and I own.

"Let's make this interesting," I say. "We make each other's cereal, but make it special." He raises an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Combine different cereals, and the best-tasting one wins."

"Wins what?"

"Choice of a movie." He grins.

"Fine," he agrees. "Speaking of winning... two minutes left until I win!" I roll my eyes.

"Believe me, you won't last." We start combining cereal, and right as we're both finished and add the milk, Oliver gasps and throws his hands up in the air. "What?"

"I WON!" He screams, pointing at the clock on the stove. My jaw drops. He actually did it.

"I did crossies," I say, holding up my crossed fingers.

"Crossies don't count, Summer."

"CROSSIES ALWAYS COUNT, MOTHERFUCKER." He smiles and rolls his eyes.

"I think you owe me a kiss," he says, leaning in closer to me. I push his face away and point to his cereal I made for him.

"I think you should eat your cereal I made special for you before it gets soggy." He hands me the bowl of cereal he made me and I hand him is, before we both walk out into the living room. We sit down on the couch and I watch as he eats some cereal. He tastes it for a moment before nodding.

"Pretty good," he says, holding it out to me. I take my spoon and eat a little. He's right. It's good. Go me! "Now let's try yours." He takes his spoon and takes a bite of mine. "I should be a chef!"

"Yeah, if you knew that you should always wash your hands before touching food," I laugh.

"Hush your face and eat," he laughs, nodding towards my bowl. I take a bite, and my eyes grow wide. He is the master of cereal. Okay, that was really weird to say. But it's true. "Well?" He asks with a hopeful smile. I sigh, getting up and running upstairs.

"I'll grab blankets while you pick out a movie." Without even looking at him, I can tell he's smiling his stupid yet adorable smile. I grab a bunch of spare blankets from the hallway closet and drag them downstairs. It's funny how Oli really believes I'm gonna go through with this and kiss him. Like I said before, never in a million years would I ever. "What'd you pick?" I ask him as I sit back down on the couch, throwing all of the blankets on top of us. We were a good few feet apart.

"Oh, nothing. Just Evil Dead," he says with a cheeky smirk. My jaw drops.

"You didn't."

"Oh, yes I did."

"Nooo," I whine, hiding my face with a blanket.

"The movie hasn't even started yet," he laughs, handing me my bowl. I continue to eat. I'm really bad with scary movies.


It's halfway through the movie, and it's one of the scariest parts. I actually scream, covering my face with the blankets for the millionth time. Oliver chuckles, and I can feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. He wraps both arms around me, as if to protect me from the freaky thing on the screen. Which, in a way, he was. I bury my face into his chest, which smelled really good. I sound like a complete dork right now but oh well. It's true. I look up at him to see him smiling down at me. Not in a teasing way, but in a happy way. I'm not exactly sure what was so happy about me screaming and almost having a heart attack, but... what ever works for him.

I'm not exactly sure what was happening. But all I know is that Oliver was leaning in, and I didn't do anything about it. He unwraps one of his arms from around me and places it on the side of my face. What was going on? Was he actually going to kiss me? Or was he joking?

But I knew he was serious when I felt my eyes close and our lips meet.

I can't believe it. I was actually kissing Oliver Sykes, the Heartbreaker.

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