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Chapter five: Offer


Hermione was walking down the hall when a beige owl tapped on a window. Hermione opened the window, cold air rushing in with the bird that dropped a letter on the floor and flew back out. She shut the window and picked up the letter tucking it inside her robes.

She continued her way down the corridor to the library. It was her last period which was free, so she decided to relax a bit and read the book about souls she'd taken that night in the restricted area. She entered the library and went straight to the table at the back where she usually sat, there she saw Tom Riddle, she hasn't conversed with him all day, and it was partially because she was ignoring him. He did threatened to kill her! As she watched him read she would've thought that he would be in his common room gathering unsuspecting wizards to aid him in his plot for world domination, but yet here he was.

Hermione observed him he seemed so quiet, although she knew that wasn't true. She frequently saw him socialising in the the Great Hall, she would always see him telling stories or laughing at others jokes. Even in class he seemed friendly and dare she say charming.

He's sitting in your seat Hermione thought with a bit of displeasure.

Hermione strode towards Tom's table, and promptly took a seat across from him. She laid her books down on her table and took out the letter she had gotten, she glanced up and expected Tom to be looking at her. He simply ignored her. She was trying so hard to not snap at him and call him a bloody rude prat, she knew fully well if she did then her plan at befriending him would go right down the drain.

She waited and waited and waited but still he ignored her. She cleared her throat yet he only shifted in his chair a bit. He seemed to be intently reading to engrossed into the materiel to acknowledge her presence.

"Hello Riddle?" Hermione greeted fearlessly. She hadn't any idea why she was even talking to him.

"Haven't you learned your lesson already Granger, leave me be." He said coldly before lowering his head again.

Alright Hermione, so he's ignoring you too. How can we steer this conversation to get him to talk to you?.

So she decided to provoke a reaction from him. Hermione attempted to take Tom's book from under his gaze. However, his reflexes were quicker than a snake's and he quickly latched on to it.

"Your quite the book stealer aren't you Granger?" Tom asked with a accusing yet mono tone.

"I don't know what you are talking about Riddle." Hermione replied.

"You think I didn't see you when you shoved that book from the restricted area into your robes, do you take me as a fool?" Tom said his voice icy.

"I don't know what your talking about." Hermione replied playing coy.

"I believe you do Hermione." He said in a deceitfully soothing voice stretching out every syllable in her name. "Just give me the book back."

"No!" Hermione answered stiffening her posture.

"Shame, I'll have to insure you receive a punishment then, for the multiple times you entered the restricted area without permission." He drawled in a bored manner.

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