Chapter 4

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Now, don't think I was instantly, like, the sign language master or anything because I wasn't. I signed what I could remember whenever I talked and I was able to catch on to other words when I talked to Kaitlin. Though, the only reason I could understand what Kaitlin said half the time was because she had the decency to mouth the words as she signed them.

I was honestly very surprised that Kaitlin and I got along as well as we did right off the bat. It was so hard for me to not ask something stupid like 'What kind of music do you like?' or 'Who's your favorite band?' because that's usually my go-to when I'm stuck for a conversation topic. It was often difficult for me to think of something else to talk about, but somehow , I managed.

It was my fourth time seeing Kaitlin. I'd come to see her every day of the week so far. She always asked me to come back, which I took as a good sign. It was also kinda scary though. I knew the decision wouldn't be for a months, but the more Kaitlin liked me, the more likely I was to be taking care of her for the rest of my life. I mean, I liked her too and we got along well; I just wasn't sure I was ready to be her father.

Then again, maybe the reason for that is because at that point, I didn't feel like her father yet. We'd only known each other for a few days, and she still only referred to me by my name rather than by 'Dad'. I didn't mind that though. She was comfortable around me; that was all that mattered to me at the moment.

Kaitlin and Chris sit out at the back patio of the house, just talking. Kaitlin signed everything she said, but she mouthed her words.

Chris signed what he could, but just spoke verbally for the most part and hoped Kaitlin could understand him

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Chris signed what he could, but just spoke verbally for the most part and hoped Kaitlin could understand him.

"Does it ever snow in Pennsylvania?" Kaitlin asks.

Chris snorts, "It isn't often that it doesn't snow in Pennsylvania. It snows, like, six months out of the year."

"Really? I've never seen snow."

"Never?" Chris asks in surprise.

"Not in real life. Only in movies."

Chris laughs, "Well, I promise, if you end up with me, you'll see so much snow that you'll get sick of it."

Kaitlin laughs, then continues, "Do you travel a lot with the band?"

"Oh, yeah, we've been all over the place. South America, Australia, the UK, all over Europe, Asia; it's pretty amazing."

"I've been to a few other states, but no where too far."

"Well, if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

Kaitlin thinks, then answers, "Milan."


Kaitlin nods, "One of my dreams is to do makeup on the models during Fashion Week in Milan."

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