Chapter 8

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I anticipated seeing Kaitlin a lot more than I had the last time seeing her. I was anxious for her to meet everyone in the band and to see what they thought of her and what she thought of them. I also really wanted to know how she would handle our concerts.

I was literally counting down the hours until I got to see Kaitlin again. I tried to hide it because my sudden care for and excitement to see Kaitlin scared me. I don't think I did a very good job at hiding it though...

The bands and crew were getting everything set up. One of the club security guards walks up to Chris.

"Is she here?"

"She is." The guard says.

Chis nods, "Thank you. And of course, in exchange for keeping this whole thing quiet, money is no object. See me after the show."

The guard nods and walks off.

Chris shoves his hands in his pockets and takes a breath.

"You nervous, man?" Ryan asks.

Chris shakes his head, "Nah." He lies, "What do I have to be nervous about?

"Well - "

"Don't answer that."

Iris and Kaitlin walk in.

"Chris!" Kaitlin calls.

Chris turns around and smiles, "Hey!" He exclaims, running over and hugging her. Chris literally lifts Kaitlin off her feet and she starts laughing.

I remember seeing her that day and it feeling...different.

Chris kisses the top of Kaitlin's head, "Mwah!" He exclaims before setting her down.

Chris looks to Iris, "I've got it from here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes; tell Lindsey she doesn't have a thing to worry about."

Iris nods and looks to Kaitlin, "Text me if you need anything."

"I will."

Iris nods and smiles, "Well, have fun. Let me know when and where to pick her up.

"Yeah, definitely."

Iris gives them one last wave, then walks off.

Chris smiles to Kaitlin, "I've missed you."

"I missed you too."

"How's your mom doing?"

Kaitlin shrugs, "Okay. Not good, but not bad either."

"Well, okay is better than bad."

"I guess." Kaitlin signs before smiling, "You've gotten a lot better at your signing."

Chris chuckles, "Well, you've taught me a lot and I've done my research online. I'll have to play translator for you tonight since no one else here knows a word of sign. Speaking of which, I have some people to introduce you to."


Chris walks up to Josh in full show clothes and makeup.

"Hey." Josh says, "I thought you were gonna have Kaitlin do your makeup."

"I did."

Josh's eyes widen, "Woah."

"I know, right?! I have a thirteen year old girl do my makeup and she does it better than me! I'll have to show you guys some pictures of makeup she's done. She's amazing."

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