Chapter 13

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Knowing that Kaitlin was no longer sure that she wanted to be in my custody was a good thing to me at the time. It meant that she was at the very least open to the possibility of going to foster care, and at that rate, I was sure that foster care would be better for her than me. Kaitlin would have a family and she likely wouldn't have to relocate pretty far.

It was very hard and emotional for me to make that choice, but it was what I'd decided was right. After tour was over, I had two months off and planned to spend as much of it as  could with Kaitlin...because I'd planned on convincing her not to choose me on decision day.

I hadn't heard from Lindsey or Kaitlin in a few days, which worried me...

From his hotel, Chris drove to Lindsey's house with a lump in his throat that he couldn't swallow down. Why was he upset? This would be a good thing. Kaitlin would be much better off in foster care, and it's not like he was never going to see her again. He'd still get to visit her every few months...

Chris pulls up to the house with tears in his eyes.

"Damn it." Chris mutters, rubbing his eyes. He had to put on a brave face today.

Chris takes a breath, then gets out of the car and shuts the door. He starts to walk up to the house when Kaitlin runs out of the door at full speed with tears running down her face.

 He starts to walk up to the house when Kaitlin runs out of the door at full speed with tears running down her face

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"Dad!" Kaitlin cries.

Chris' eyes widen, "Woah, what happened?"

Kaitlin runs to Chris as fast as her legs will carry her until they collide. Chris lets out a grunt and stumbles back at the impact. Kaitlin clings to Chris for dear life and starts to sob hysterically. Chris tries to grasp what may be going on.

Kaitlin takes a sharp breath, still holding onto Chris, "Please take custody of me!" She exclaims, verbally through sobs, "Please take custody of me, Daddy! I can't go with anyone else! Not after that! Not after that! Please, Daddy, please!" Kaitlin cries before continuing to bawl, taking short and choppy breaths in between.

Chris breaks the embrace. He puts his hands on Kaitlin's shoulders and looks down at her.

"Hey hey hey, calm down. You're hyperventilating."

Kaitlin continues to cry and take very short and sharp breaths.

"No no no no, don't do that, it's okay. Come on, deep breaths, deep breaths."

Chris breathes with her a minute and gets her to calm down a bit.

"Please." Kaitlin signs, "I need you."

"What happened?" Chris asks, extremely worried.

Kaitlin swallows, "I need you, Daddy." She says verbally before hugging him again.

Kaitlin continues to cry. Chris rubs her back in attempt to comfort her. Why was she so upset?

Chris' stomach twists.

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