Chapter 17

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Chris speeds up to the house and sees an ambulance and a firetruck in front of the driveway. Chris hurries out of the car and goes up to the house as the paramedics walk out with a gurney.

With a sheet-covered body on it.

Chris can't help but stop and watch as the paramedics wheel the gurney passed him, not even acknowledging his existence. Chris' heart falls and he suddenly feels sick to his stomach, knowing that Lindsey was under that sheet and that that was the last time he'd get to see her. He could have thrown up, but he forces himself to swallow it down and focus on Kaitlin. Chris walks into the house and sees Iris talking to one of the firemen. She sees Chris and her face falls. Chris hurries over.

"Where is she?"

"She's in her room."

Chris nods and rushes off. He goes to Kaitlin's room and finds her laying in bed, completely under the covers, sobbing. Chris sighs, then walks in and sits on the edge of the bed. Kaitlin gasps and jumps, removing the covers and propping herself up on her elbows. She moves her hair out of her face and looks to Chris. Her face falls.

They stare at each other a moment, neither of them knowing what to say. Kaitlin's bottom lip begins to quiver.

"C'mere." Chris says, opening his arms.

Kaitlin sits up and goes to Chris. He holds her in an awkward position and rocks her as she continues to cry. She attempts to sign, her hands shaking.

"I was there. I was there when she died. I watched it happen."

Chris just continues to rock her and kisses the top of her head.

"I thought she had more time."  Kaitlin continues.

Chris breaks the embrace and signs, "You shouldn't be here tonight. Iris called me and told me you could stay with me at my hotel tonight."

Kaitlin nods and wipes her tears, "Okay." She says, verbally.

"I don't want to rush you, but I do want to get you out of here. So why don't you pack a bag and we'll go?"

Kaitlin just nods and stands.


They walk into the hotel room and Chris shuts the door behind them. Kaitlin goes to the mirror and stares at herself.

"I look like a mess." She signs at the sight of her makeup-smeared face before turning to face Chris, "I almost don't want to take it off though...I mean, it's the last makeup she'll ever put on me."

Kaitlin pauses, then walks back over to Chris and hugs him as she again begins to cry.


The next morning.

Kaitlin was passed out. Chris sat in one of the chairs, talking on the phone.

"Yeah, she's still asleep...No, this won't wake her up, she's deaf!" Chris says, "Yeah. I don't really know what happened yet, but Kaitlin was apparently in the room when Lindsey died...Yeah, she's a mess...I don't know what's gonna happen. I'd imagine our court date will get moved sooner, and if I get picked I'm gonna have to come home early because my house isn't anywhere near Kaitlin-ready...I don't know. My goal right now is to get her through this week...I don't think there's going to be a funeral. Lindsey didn't have much family or friends. I know she wanted to be cremated though...Probably. Maybe I'll call Iris and see if she knows anything. Look, I'll call you back; I've got some stuff I need to do...Okay, bye."

Chris hangs up. He stands, then finds the jacket he was wearing yesterday and takes out the envelope Lindsey had given him. Chris takes a breath, then opens it. He starts to read through the pieces of notebook paper with Lindsey's handwriting on them carefully. Lindsey had really put a lot of thought into this. Chris missed her so much already.

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