Chapter 7

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As expected, Josh was a bit of a tight ass and was hesitant when I told him about my idea of letting Kaitlin spend some time with us. I explained to him what I explained to Lindsey though and he seemed to get my point. After a very long conversation, we decided that if Lindsey was cool with it, Kaitlin could come spend some time with the band.

Like I said to Lindsey, the last thing I wanted was for Kaitlin to feel left out from such a big part of my life just because she's deaf. And hey, if Kaitlin were to go to this concert, have a shit time and never want to go to another one of our concerts again, then fine! At least we'd know that! I figured we had to at least give it a trial run so we could at least have Kaitlin's opinion on it all. I just wanted to see if she was or wasn't comfortable with our shows for possible future reference.

Chris arrived at the house the next day. Lindsey answers the door, looking better.

"Hi, Chris. Come on in."

Chris nods and steps inside.

"So, I thought about it..." Lindsey starts, "And I think you're right. Kaitlin should have that experience with you."

Chris smiles, "Great! I'm glad you see it that way. I'll be sure to message you the information."

"Yes, please do."

"Where's Kaitlin?"

"Out back."

Chris nods, then walks to the back. He opens the sliding door, then steps out onto the back porch. Kaitlin runs around the yard with a volleyball, bumping it on her arms, trying to keep it from touching the ground.

Chris waves to get her attention, "Hi."

"Busy!" Kaitlin says aloud as she wasn't able to sign.

"What are you doing?" Chris asks, signing as he speaks.

Kaitlin starts counting aloud each time the ball hits her arms, "Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred! Yes!" Kaitlin exclaims before letting the ball fall and signing and mouthing, "I've been doing that for three hours trying to get to a hundred."

"Your arms are so red!"

Kaitlin laughs, "You should see them after a game. I look like a sunburned lobster."

Chris laughs, then changes the subject, "So, did your mom tell you the good news?"

Kaitlin picks up the volleyball and nods.

"Cool. My manager and everyone in the band are okay with it and I think you're gonna have an...interesting time. I mean, it's not just the concert; you'll have the whole weekend with us." Chris says aloud, signing whatever he knew.

Kaitlin smiles, "I know. I'm excited."

"Well, good. In the mean time though, I've still got three days with you, so let's go do something fun. I'm thinking either go-carts or Skyzone. Eh, what the Hell? I've got three days. We'll do one today and the other tomorrow."

Kaitlin's smile grows and she follows Chris inside.


On Chris' last day in Albuquerque, Iris lets him in and Lindsey was once again at the dining room table with her laptop and files. She looks up at Chris.


"Hey." Chris says, "Where's Kaitlin?"

"In her room. She ordered a body art kit online and it came in the mail this morning.  She's been hiding in he room ever since. Go check on her and make sure she's not, like, dead."

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