Chapter 12

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A week later.

The bus starts moving, and the band was off to Pittsburgh. Chris sits at the table. He balances his elbow on the table and his cheek rests on his fist as he gazes out the window.  Chris had a lot to think about, but at least now he had a good two hour drive to think and would have a show tonight to relieve some stress.

Chris had told the guys about what had happened between him and Kaitlin the last time they'd seen each other in person and how nervous he was for everything that was about to happen, and they were nervous for him.

"Have you talked to Kaitlin at all?" Balz asks.

Chris shrugs, "Here and there. She's trying to avoid the subject of what everyone's decision is though, so it's kind of hard."

"Really?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah. She talks about makeup, her mom, softball tryouts - which is all good and fine; I just wish I knew what she was thinking."

"She probably wishes the same thing, dude." Ghost says.

"Yeah. She doesn't know your decision; it's only fair that you don't know hers." Ricky says.

Chris sighs, "Maybe, but I used to know her choice and I guess that was sort of...comforting, in a way,, I'm just scared."

"Like she isn't? She's thirteen, Chris." Vinny says.

"I know that, but...If I get picked, I'm gonna be the one that's gonna have to raise her and make sure she doesn't, you know, end up screwed up! Yes, she's scared, I know, but I'm the one who the responsibility is on! And I haven't even thought about what the situation with her would be when I'm gone on tour - "

"Well then figure it out!" Josh says, "Chris. You are a control freak. So take control of some things."


Performing was the best way for Chris to get away from everything that was going on. He didn't have to think about decisions or the future; he could just be right there, in the moment. It was the best way for him to get out his stress and anxiety and anger that had been put in him because of his current situation. His performances were amazing because of that. It didn't make all of his negative emotions go away completely, but it was a good temporary fix.

Chris lies in his bunk with his phone to his ear. He'd decided to take the advice of his bandmates into consideration.

"Hey, it's me...Yeah...Good. We played a really great show last night and we have a couple hours before we need to get ready for tonight so I'm taking a while to just relax...Yeah...So, listen, there's something I wanted to discuss with you...Lindsey is getting a lot weaker and the decision day is approaching really fast, so I think we should have an action plan as to what will happen if the judge picks me and what needs to happen when I go on tour."


Chris went to the small back lounge of the bus for some privacy and video called Kaitlin on his laptop. When Kaitlin appears on the screen, her eyes are bright red and she gives Chris an evil grin.

"Woah..." Chris says.

"I got new contacts. What do you think?"

Chris smiles, "You look scary as Hell!"

Kaitlin laughs, "Thank you."

"So how were softball tryouts? Did you make the team?"

"I sure did!"

"Awesome! I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Chris."

"So what's new?"

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